I’m finally getting around to posting pictures of my kimchi preparation.
In hindsight, I don’t think I made kimchi before. I’ve made other fermented foods, but the more I think about it, I’m almost positive kimchi wasn’t what I prepared. Regardless, I’m excited about fermenting foods on a more regular basis. With this first batch, I can see a few mistakes I made, but those will be corrected the next time I make kimchi. The cabbage was mildly sweet.
I added carrots, leeks, radish and onions. I then added some freshly ground spices, hot peppers, hot pepper powder, salt, water and a few other things. I’ll be sure to check on the kimchi towards the end of this week. Hopefully, all will be well and we’ll have some delicious kimchi!
Wonderful colors in this!!!! LOVE IT! Good luck! Looking forward to future posts on your progress and outcome!
Jennifer recently posted..Basil, Orange Peppers, and Tomatoes – Progress, Sort of…
Thanks @Jennifer, I sampled a little bit of it earlier today. It’s spicy and good. I can’t wait to jar and start using it in a variety of dishes. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Ohio Stoneware Crock: Transferring fermenting kimchi
I tried to reply to the above and it wouldn’t let me 🙂 No worries! I’ll just comment here instead 🙂
I like Spicy! I’ve been doing some spicy mayo spreads – like with chickpeas and then I have also made some raw vegan alfredo sauces and used half the batch as-is and the other half kickin’ it up a notch with some spice! YUM!
Jennifer recently posted..Riley’s Cone
@Jennifer, We like spicy. If I have time, I’ll be making some type of “raw bread” later today. The beauty of fermentation is the foods that I prepare are all raw.
Thanks for the heads up. It should be working now. I forgot to enable the cause of that issue when I reactivated this theme earlier today. In fact, that error message is actually an advanced post on how to fix the issue. I created that post a while ago and it’ll appear within the next week.
Aynaria recently posted..The Art of Fermentation