Four day weekend; disconnecting from technology

My goodness has it been busy. I’m actually a bit tired today. Yesterday, was my day of buying food for the ministry that my Lutheran church has at the homeless shelter. Yesterday, I felt like my brain had gone on vacation.


I locked myself out of the SUV before I picked up the groceries. Thankfully, I was at the house and was able to use the spare house key to get inside the house, search for and find the extra key, open the door and everything was fine. That’s the first time I’ve locked myself out of a vehicle since I’ve been driving; so about eighteen years.


The Homeless shelter food list was left at the house.Β  While I was driving away, I remembered…”oh I forgot the food list!” Back to the house I went to retrieve that list. While in our yard, the SUV died and so I hopped in the other vehicle.Β  Sighs, yeah yesterday was one of those days but I can’t complain. Came back home and the SUV started, no problem.

The Passion Play is winding down, woohoo! No more costumes to sew! I love sewing, but I want a break.

So yeah… I’m really looking forward to the upcoming weekend! More honeybees are coming my way during this Easter holiday and I’ll be off this coming Monday and Tuesday!

While off, I’ll be dialing back the technology interaction a lot! At times we need to take a big break, you know?

I can completely relate to what the lady is feeling in the video. I really dislike when people are so wrapped up in their technology gadgets that they completely ignore the people they are with. If you’re going to spend your time on a device, please don’t ask to spend time with me. I enjoy interacting with people without their technology gadgets.

My Totally Raw Thursday challenge

I’m making some type of raw banana cookie in the food dehydrator!

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Happy Easter to you Opal! Enjoy your tech break!

And yes … I totally get where she’s coming from. But I laughed out loud when she turned off the light then he switched on his phone’s backlight! πŸ˜€
Nicky recently posted..WIP Conundrum


Ummmm…but I would be quite lost without any internet connection and if I forget to bring out my mobile phone, I would feel so inadequate. the sign of the times. πŸ˜€
suituapui recently posted..That way…


Great video. Gotta share this too. πŸ˜‰