New Years Eve,
You could find me in the kitchen prepping for one of our homemade adventures. In the above photo, I was getting the strawberries ready for one of the yummy fruit puddings that I prepared for my daughter.
What was in it? Just bananas and strawberries, combined it’s quite delightful!
Who knew two ingredients could taste so delicious? My daughter and I did!
I’ve been trying to get into more raw puddings and smoothies to top with nuts, seeds, fruit, etc…making them into smoothie bowls/breakfast bowls! This sounds ideal!!!!
Jennifer recently posted..Dressings, Bamboo, Lip Balm, Marinated Mushrooms & Rice, Chlorella To Relieve Pain, and a Stellar Vegan Buffalo Chickpea Pasta Dish, too!
Wow, this is a late response My apologies for not seeing it sooner. I’ve been using my dehydrator and food processor a lot more recently. My daughter really loves the dehydrated snacks and of course they’re a much better alternative than the standard snacks found out the modern grocery store.
Aynaria recently posted..Raw Vegan Munchies: Two types of crackers and guacamole