Fruit pudding on New Years Eve…

New Years Eve,

Prepping the strawberries
Prepping the strawberries


You could find me in the kitchen prepping for one of our homemade adventures. In the above photo, I was getting the strawberries ready for one of the yummy fruit puddings that I prepared for my daughter.

Banana and strawberries.12.31.14
Banana and strawberries added to food processor


What was in it? Just bananas and strawberries, combined it’s quite delightful!

Fruit Pudding.12.31.14
Pureed fruit pudding


Who knew two ingredients could taste so delicious? My daughter and I did!


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I’ve been trying to get into more raw puddings and smoothies to top with nuts, seeds, fruit, etc…making them into smoothie bowls/breakfast bowls! This sounds ideal!!!!
Jennifer recently posted..Dressings, Bamboo, Lip Balm, Marinated Mushrooms & Rice, Chlorella To Relieve Pain, and a Stellar Vegan Buffalo Chickpea Pasta Dish, too!