Gete-Okosomin: Cool Old Squash

I thought this was fascinating. This squash was rediscovered a few years ago. The seeds were found in a clay jar. The seeds was dated to be around 800 years old.

In other news…

It’s been so busy around these parts. I’m happy to say that the BFs scarf is almost finished. Guess what? He’s joining my parents, my daughter and me for Thanksgiving tomorrow! I cannot wait to see him. It seems like it’s been forever; however, I saw him last Saturday.

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I got sidetracked and forgot to comment on this post! Sorry about that! Thanks for posting this! I watched the whole thing and subscribed to his channel! I really love his passion for veggies and where they came from. And being THANKFUL for them! And educating others on them, too! Neat!
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