Giving Thanks: Time to do my snow dance…

This made me chuckle….

Frosty picking his nose

Earlier this week, a coworker told me that we are getting more snow this Sunday. I’m so glad I didn’t do a lot of planting yet. I was holding off just in case…

I guess I should be tired of snow, but I’m not. I distinctly remember telling a few folks that I would not mind seeing snow one more time before the warm weather hits.

So, if you live in a warm climate and think that telling me how amazingly warm it is where you are, I won’t be envious. I truly do appreciate all seasons. Learning to give thanks, even when at times the situation didn’t seem pleasant has helped me in so many ways.  I will say that being thankful for snow, isn’t exactly hard. I do love the cold weather and yes… I love snow! But there are other aspects when the following verse was a challenge…

in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
I Thessalonians 5:18

So… giving thanks doesn’t mean only when things are going the way I like, does it? That verse tells me I should give thanks in EVERYTHING! Hmm… not always easy, is it? My life isn’t always bright and there are a few reasons I could think of to complain, but in doing so, I not only bring myself down (and whomever else is around me) and I’m not following Gods plans either now am I?

Applying the above verse to my own life has made me change the way I handle all issues and yes… I do find ways to be thankful even when things aren’t that great. Because if truly think about it,  there are many things that are going on in my life that cause me to be thankful, even during those tough times, and I know things could be a lot worse.


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I can’t wait until spring!!!! I know you like snow 🙂 I can’t bring myself to be as excited – HOWEVER – I will be jumping for joy for anything above 60 degrees in the near future 🙂 LOL

I just blogged about some of the Lettuces I picked up last night. Fingers crossed some of them will ‘take’.
Jennifer recently posted..The First of the Lettuces

Mike Goad

We do like seeing a little of all four seasons, but this year has been the first in long time where we actually had a full season of winter. 😉
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