Green Cravings

In our household, although we eat simply, we consume a large variety of foods. My only requirements is that the foods we consume our whole foods.

What are whole foods? Whole foods are unrefined or unprocessed or minimally processed before eating.

At times, people automatically assume that vegetarians/vegans are “healthy” sometimes those following the diet automatically assume that also. That’s not always the case, especially if they follow the “standard vegetarian/vegan diet” which can be just as unhealthy as a Standard American Diet.

I see many veggie sites that regularly promote processed/pre-packaged foods and while it’s fine to have it now and again, including it regularly is not the smartest thing to do if you’re goal is to improve your health.

Raw food - Green Salad
Salad: Dark leafy greens with lentils


Yesterday, I ate greens throughout the day since that was what I was craving. In the above dish, I “spiced” it up a bit by adding some of the seasoned lentils I’d made on Saturday. In addition to the lentils, I added some sunflower seeds, raisins and balsamic vinegar. The greens consisted of spinach, kale, collard and dandelion greens.

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curls and q

q – Daughter Sarah and I call this clean eating. And, I’m right with you, there are times I crave a salad and nothing else will do. And then there’s spinach…..
curls and q recently posted..My Hats


I don’t know how I missed this post before! Sorry about that! You know I LOVE my greens, too! Woot! I need to get int more lentils, tho! I have them…just have to tinker with them! I have a couple of things in mind – just have to get a-movin’ and a-groovin’ LOL
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