Happy Labor Day 2014

Today was a day of rest for me. Early this morning, we dropped my brother and nephew off at the airport. Upon our return home, my daughter and I went back to sleep.

Labor-Day 2014

Although there were a few events I would have enjoyed attending today, I was just too tired; however, I did have to create a post to acknowledge all those folks who helped build our country.

I stumbled upon the pictures below and could not help but wonder about the men featured, the grueling work, their families… I also wondered did they live a long life? Did any of them have accidents on the job? I hope not, but no names are given so I can only wonder…

Labor Day MenEatLunch
Workers taking a break from bridge building

Lots of work, effort (and in some cases lives lost) were invested into making/building the United States.

Labor Day Man on board

Some of the jobs were dangerous.

Labor Day Man on beam

Thanks to all who assisted, and those who continue to contribute, it’s appreciated.

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Oh? It’s the 1st of May here. Hope you had a good break. It was a holiday here too, to make up for National Day, August 31st, Sunday.


Our day was spent on the road. We’re in Montana, heading south, back into Wyoming. We were going to go over into North Dakota, but decided to spend more time in the mountains before heading towards Wisconsin for a family visit.

These photos may have all been taken about the same time. Apparently there were a lot of photographers on the Rockefeller Center construction site the day the first image was taken.

“There’s also something about the values and contradictions of the American β€˜30s in the image, that these are workers during the Great Depression, that they are building, not stopping.”



I spent yesterday at home – resting, cleaning, cooking, taking care of Paco, too.

Seeing the photos you posted reminded me of some of the old photos I was sent from a distant relative when I was heavy into research for my family tree. I think I might have to start blogging about that in the near future, too! Thanks for the reminder πŸ™‚
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Updated this morning πŸ™‚ He’s a fighter that’s for sure!!!
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