Natural Remedies For Nail Fungus

In the last article, I wrote about what nail fungus is, what causes it, and a few things you can do to prevent getting it. However if you already have nail fungus you might want to try these natural approaches to eliminating the nail fungal infection before using over the counter remedies.

As stated, the nail fungus recipes are natural, smell pleasant (depending on which essential oils you add) and  they have therapeutic benefits too. You might find a few of the items needed in your home. Others, such as the essential oils, you might not have. However, you can usually pick them up at a health food store or you can order the essentail oils needed online. Just make sure that you are getting the essential oil and not something simply called “lavender oil” or “lavender perfume oil.” There’s a huge difference.

Foot Bath Celebrate Life’s Aromatic Foot Bath For Nail Fungus Prevention

  • 6 cups warm water
  • 6 cups Apple Cider Vinegar (I use Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar)
  • 4 drops of lavender oil (optional)
  • 4 drops of tea tree oil (optional)


  1. Soak your feet in a basin for at least fifteen minutes.
  2. Remove your feet from the basin.
  3. Dry your feet thoroughly.
  4. Although I haven’t experienced toenail fungus. Occasionally I do pamper my feet with a foot bath. It feels great, and it’s yet another way I get that all  important “me time”. When drying off your feet, use an aborbent towel and make sure your feet are thoroughly dry. A quicker way is to use a hair dryer to thoroughly dry your feet. Don’t forget to dry between your toes! It’s important that your feet are completely dry! As mentioned in the prior article, nail fungus loves moist places, keep your feet dry!

Celebrate Life’s leave on solution for nail fungus prevention

  • 3 tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 3 drops tea tree essential oil
  • 3 drops neem oil
  • -Neem oil smell is similar to garlic. It has a lot of amazing properties, one of the most noteable is that it’s antifungal. About five years ago, my grapevine had some type of fungus. It wasn’t bearing fruit. Knowing about the amazing antifungal properties of neem oil, the next season, armed with my neem oil solution I went out and sprayed my grapevine. The fungus was eliminated and it started bearing fruit. Did you know that neem oil also makes a great insect repellent? I used it on some of my garden plants.


  • Shake well and put into a bottle. I highly recommend glass. Store in a cool place.

    How To Use

    Dab a few drops of this solution onto a cotten ball or swab and apply around the affected nail two – three times daily.

    Book: Encyclopedia of Essential Oils Julia Lawless.jpg

    Book: Encyclopedia of Essential Oils written by Julia Lawless

  • Information about ingredients used in nail fungus recipes

    In our Westernized culture, many of us quickly reach for allopathic medication without researching the ingredients, or wondering what type of effect they might have on our bodies. The natural ingredients I’ve included in the recipes are gentle, and I’ve used extensively over the years. I’m not writing about items I’ve never used.

    I’ve always been a crunchy type of girl/woman. I questioned everything since I can remember. My father lovingly referred to me as his little question box, so naturally as I got older, those questions turned me into a natural researcher. The majority of my cleaning products, and remedies I used to combat physical ailments are made from natural ingredients. Since I’ve seen amazing results first hand, I’m happy to share them with others.

    1. Apple Cider Vinegar
    2. Apple Cider Vinegar can be a strong fighter against nail fungus. Apple cider vinegar works by acidifying the nail. It aggressively attacks the fungal infection at the place where it’s protected. The nail covering.

      Taking apple cider vinegar orally will supposedly speed up the healing process. I use Apple cider Vinegar. I normally take two tablespoons, three times daily. It’s one of the many nutritional tools I use to attack any “germs” that might want to infect my body. I have to warn you that Apple cider vinegar is fairly strong, and most people never get used to its taste. However, you can add apple cider vinegar to fruit juice, combine it in salads, or sprinkle over your meal. Due to its acid content, it’s important to brush your teeth thoroughly after using, since over time the acid can damage the tooth enamel.

    3. Tea Tree Essential Oil
    4. Is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic, and it also helps fight infection. This amazing essential oil has beenn used for centuries. I make a homemade cleaner that includes tea tree essentail oil. About four years ago, I effecitvely used it to treat my daughter of chest congestion.

    5. Lavender Essential Oil
    6. Cuts down on the healing time, natural antiseptic, effective against burns, great for relaxation, etc., Lavender essential oil, comes in many varieties, I tend to pick the ones that have a more floral scent.

    7. Neem Oil
    8. Is taken from the Neem tree. It smells strongly of garlic and is extremely effective in killing infection, fighting fungus. About three years ago, my grape vine suffered from some type of fungal infection. Creating a homemade solution that included neem oil was an extremely effective way to stop the fungus, and cause my grapevine to start producting grapes once again.

    Natural remedies for nail fungus: When will I see results?

    Natural treatments typically have fewer side effects than allopathic treatments. The same is true of nail fungus treatments. It’s usually recommended to continue the holistic treatment for three to four months before moving onto another approach. In some cases, I’ve read have taken about a year. So relax, be patient and perhaps look at this time as your “me time” a chance to unwind, even if it’s just for 15 – 20 minutes.

    That being said, If the natural remedies haven’t worked, you might want to seek the advice of a physician to look at other ways to eliminate the toenail fungus. It’s important to remember that our diet plays an important role jn our nail health. If you’re following an unhealthy eating lifestyle, your body will be more susceptible to  variety of health related conditions, including toenail fungus

    If you’re looking for additional information about essential oils, I highly recommend purchased The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless. Although I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Julia Lawless, I’ve purchased several of her books. Over the years, her name has been referenced in a few of the aromatherapy classes I’ve attended. The Encyclopedia of Essential oils have been reprinted at least once since I purchased it in the mid 90’s, and it’s still an excellent source for those wanting additional information about essential oils.

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    Great to find your site. I am so into using natural products if at all possible. I suffered nail fungus due to wearing boots while showering a patient; that were used by other staff members. It took years to get rid of and my toenail doesn’t look the best! Will bookmark this page as it is a good one to send my readers to who may have the same problem. Great to see the lovely lavender gets a mention.
    Patricia Perth Australia


    Hello @Patricia,

    One of the reasons I’ve always been leery about using other peoples things is because of the potential issues that can arise. 🙂

    Thanks so much for stopping by Celebrate Life. It sounds as if we have that in common. I really enjoy using all natural products whenever possible too. I found your site via KathyBlogger, in her post The Ultimate Method for Making Money Online.

    I stopped by your site yesterday and added you to my RSS feed. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the time to comment then. However, I was extremely impressed with the information you have there. Over the years, I’ve read so much information about lavender. I used it myself so I’ve seen its remarkable benefits. It surely is nice seeing someone who’s knowledgeable about it spread the word. When it comes to lavender, I’ll definitely be linking to your site when I reference lavender.


    @Moondancer, Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I love lavenders and love sharing about this amazing aromatic herb. I have lots of posts so when you have time check out my history of lavender as I did heaps of research for that one! It’s my longest post as I just couldn’t leave anything out or I may have missed something important that my visitors were wanting to know.
    Eventually I will do product reviews, but for the moment I am enjoying posting about the lovely lavender and hope to see you visit again soon.
    BTW thanks for the links. I am new to all this and the techie stuff is a bit of a mystery so I am slowly getting the hang of it all.
    Patricia Perth Australia


    Hi @Patricia,
    I’ll definitely be stopping by your virtual home again. I tend to comment at places I visit, at least a few times weekly. There are a lot of great WordPress addons that are community friendly. I always enjoy giving back to my readers in some way. 🙂

    It’s my longest post as I just couldn’t leave anything out or I may have missed something important that my visitors were wanting to know.

    That’s how it is, when you’re writing about something you’re passionate about. It’s hard to stop. On my newest site, Celebrate Life, it doesn’t happen as much but with my fungus post it did. I decided to give the information in bite sized chunks. There’s a great WordPress plugin called EG-Series that makes creating Series post, extremely easy. You should definitely check it out. 🙂

    I think it’s always nice to simply write about what your passionate about in the beginning and then brach off into reviews, monetization, etc., I see a lot of people get blinded by the monetization possiblities that they start doing that from the beginning. It doesn’t always work that way. 🙂


    On Stumbleupon! I’ll put it on delicious, too – a quick glance at this reveals it to be a most informative post. I’m very happy to say that no one I know currently needs this information. But I’d better store it somewhere, just in case.


    Thanks so much @ashok,
    Welcome back to blogging. I hope you enjoyed your time away. Hey, glad that you’re nails are fungus free, but if you need information on ways you might be able to cure it naturally. I’ve listed a few options. 🙂 I’ll be checking out your site soon.


    I have the problem – on my left big toe. Will try… Thanks for the tip. A doctor prescribed some oral medication but when I googled on it, I was shocked by all the side effects. Didn’t take that in the end as the ailment was not causing any pain or discomfort. Will read your earlier post on this, thanks again…


    Hi @suituapui, Thanks for stopping by my virtual home.

    I hope this is helpful for you. Fungus can be stubborn, so at times it will take a while before results are noticed. Here’s hoping the natural nail fungus remedies are helpful for you. 🙂


    Man I've never even heard of nail fungus. Good to know that there is a natural cure for it.
    I remember once that I had something on a part of my body that I can't mention in front of a lady, and I went to a doctor to see what could be done about it. he gave me some cream that was totally useless. In the end I used an old remedy that my mom said was a cure all. I soaked it in warm water that had two teaspoons of salt dissolved in it. Withing a matter of days it disappeared. Wonder if that would help the nail fungus?


    Hi @Sire,
    I’ve seen that sea salt used as a remedy, soaking your feet in a tub of hot water. The recipe I recall had about 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide added to the basin too.

    Once the feet were dry, the toenail was dabbed with vinegar and allowed to dry.


    Thanks for the great article. I have fungus on 2 of my toenails and found that the home remedies did not work for my condition. When I consulted my doctor he gave me a nail fungal lacquer called PediMD. The product combines the advantages of the home remedies with an FDA approved antifungal. It is working very well for me as my new nail is growing out fungus free!
    Hope this helps!


    Hi @Sam,

    Thanks so much for stopping by my virtual home.

    I’m glad you found something that would work for you. At times the natural remedies won’t work, glad you found a product that combined both to eliminate your toenail fungus.

    For those who’re reading the comments and are in a similar situation. Click on Sam’s name. It will take you to the PediMD site.


    Thank you so much for sharing this post, it’s very helpful to everyone who’s looking a natural remedies in nail fungus.. I’ll recommend this to my tita who’s surfing from this for a long time. I’m sure she’s gonna love this.
    Stephen recently posted..Benefits of Eating Fruits and Vegetables

    Bert Girad

    When you have nail fungus, prevent artificial nails, as they give even more protection to the fungus and prevent medication from reaching the fungus.Make sure to wash you hands with soap and hot water following touching your own nail fungus or a person else who has nail fungus.


    When I had nail fungus I tried so many home remedies and only acv was really effective. I recommend it!
    Daniel recently posted..Interesting info