I’ve already mentioned that my daughter will be homeschooled for the 2017-2018 school year. We’re both looking froward to this new chapter in our lives. Homeschooling isn’t ‘new’ to us since we have family, friends and acquaintances that homeschool their children.
My daughter will be doing a mix of online homeschooling and picking up a few classes at our local homeschooling co-op. Interestingly enough, the education background for her new teachers far exceed those of her traditional school teachers. Most have a Ph.D., while that doesn’t necessarily mean that their classes will be better, in other ways it will be since with her online learning it’s learning at her own pace and 1:1 via Skype and email conversations. With the co-op, the maximum class size is twelve students which guarantees the children have more interaction with their teacher. Up until this point, my daughter has attended a Lutheran school. Her largest class there was about sixteen students, so that’s still small compared to some traditional schools.
Since my daughter loves Math and Science, we can tailor her classes to focus on these subjects through a variety of regular courses and electives that are offered and she can work on strengthening other areas such as Public Speaking.
I hope she will enjoy it! I know she will do great! Looking forward to hearing more about the homeschooling adventures!
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