My daughter made honor roll for the third quarter in a row. Of course we both are thrilled about that! I’ve mentioned before, I expect her to do well she has the ability she just needs to apply herself. I don’t accept excuses for poor behavior.
Throughout life, you’ll face numerous milestones and while there might be cases when one has a legitimate reason to feel sorry for themselves, life still continues so you might as well learn how to deal with the challenges that you face. Currently the occasional challenges she faces are minor; not always wanting to do her homework because she might not understand something or teasing at school. I’m hoping that by showing her ways she can handle the challenges she faces now, it will continue to be helpful to her as she gets older.
Train up a child in the way he should go, And even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6, American Standard Version
The Holy Bible has a lot of common sense teachings and can be applied to more than just the spiritual aspects of daily life. As her parent, I know it’s wise to prepare her for challenges now. As I told her, running away or pretending a problem doesn’t exist isn’t smart since those problems will still be present when your forced to deal with them and in some cases they can get worse. I gave her examples from my own life both past and current challenges that she’s known that I’ve faced. I didn’t run away since I knew they’d be there, I dealt with them and moved on…
This weekend, as a surprise for doing so well, I’m taking her to the Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus. Saturday and Sunday are the last two days they’ll be in town and I know she’s been wanting to see the event. I haven’t been to a circus since I was a child, so I’m sure I’ll have a sense of nostalgia as I watch the show with my daughter and pay for overpriced popcorn and bottled water. 😉
Congrats to your girl.
Yes, it’s good that they do well academically but I never put any pressure on my daughter – she puts in on herself and gets all stressed out! Very worrying. I always told her just to do well enough, just pass…as at the end of the day, it all boils down to who you are – the person you’ve grown to become.
Top students may excel academically but they’re not always balanced individuals and may not fit in well in life…which I would think is very important.
Ah!!! The circus! The last one that came to town was when my girl was a toddler – that long ago…all the way from England.
suituapui recently posted..Where the boys are…
@suituapui, Finding that balance can be hard. I tell her to do her best. At times she might have a hard time understanding a concept and that can be frustrating for her but I help her until she understands. I try to make learning fun.
It’s important that we all have a social outlet where we can relax. Since I know that social interaction is important she’s involved in a variety of activities that interest her. I’m pleased to see that she is enjoying that aspect of life also.
My daughter is really looking forward to the Circus, I think I could do without going but I’m attending since I know she wants to see the performance.