I purchased a Playstation 4 Pro: It was hard to find locally

It’s here! My daughter now has the Playstation 4 Pro! For years, she’s been following Youtube play through of various video games. The games she watches are adventure-based, and over the past year,  the one that she’s talked about the most is Detroit Become Human. This game mainly focuses on androids and whether they should be recognized as sentient beings because their artificial intelligence is so detailed.

For years, I’ve asked her if she wanted a gaming console, and she’s always told me no. But, I know my daughter, I didn’t believe her. When she was a toddler, she would play games on my Xbox 360. Fast forward to today, and she still plays a few games: Minecraft and World of Warcraft. Nope, I wasn’t buying that she didn’t want the console. I figured she felt terrible about me spending the money to purchase one for her. That’s my daughter; her wants are minimal, and she rarely asks for anything. Last week, I told her I was getting her a gaming console, and so last Wednesday we went out looking for a Play Station 4 at Target. According to my online research, that was seemingly the only place that had them in stock locally. Best Buy, Wal Mart, GameStop were all sold out! Wow! I guess it makes sense, quarantine has people inside, and certain items (like the exercise bike that I finally received) are hard to find. We hit two Target stores that were about 40 minutes one way from our home, and even though they showed, there were a few available online. When we arrived at the store, they were gone. No complaints, though, although I didn’t leave with a gaming console for her. We enjoyed our car ride.

After that experience, I realized that the only way I’d be able to snag a gaming console was to snap it up as soon as they hit the stores. Thursday morning, I awoke at my standard time (3:30 AM). After my devotions, I logged onto Target, and I saw they had PlayStation 4’s available, including the PlayStation Pro! I quickly purchased the Pro for my daughter, and later that morning, it was processed, shipped, and she received her own PS 4 this past Sunday. Since purchasing the gaming system was leading us to a dead-end, last Thursday morning, around 3:30 AM, I went online and saw that Target just received some in stock. I immediately purchased the PlayStation 4 Pro. Perfect! Later that morning, it processed, and I received an update that stated it would arrive on Saturday. Even better! When my daughter awoke, I told her daughter that I’d purchased the gaming console for her. She confided that she was looking forward to receiving the gaming console. And now that it’s here? She’s enjoying it immensely. She plays in the evenings for a few hours.

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