It’s here: Dupray Neat Steam Cleaner

My Dupray Neat Steam cleaner arrived yesterday. It was supposed to arrive on Wednesday, but that didn’t happen and that’s another story.

The Dupray Neat Steam Cleaner required a signature for its delivery. I took care of that and immediately went through the process of opening the box. Check out the logo, “Steam is Cleaner. I love that!

If you think the box is empty, well… it is. I didn’t remember to take a photo of the box until after I’d unpacked everything. Whoops!


At the top of the large box was a smaller accessories box. The rubber hose and wands were positioned around the Dupray Neat Accessories box.


Removing that box, I found this cardboard that clearly was placed on top of the actual unit. I must say, the Dupray Neat was packaged securely. As you can see, there’s plenty of insulation to help prevent it from being damaged.


What’s beneath that cardboard? The Dupray Neat steamer.


I’ve gotten into the habit of naming my most loved items. Until now, it’s been craft related items. I was going to give this a female name, just like the other three items I’ve named, but my daughter snorted and said it should be called,“Steven the Steamer!” So… Steven it is. Welcome to your new home, Steven.


First Impression/Review:

Yesterday and today, I’ve had the chance to place the Dupray Neat Steam Cleaner aka Steven through a few hours of work and I must say that I’m very impressed with its performance. Today, my daughter helped also. 

Where the dirt was really apparent was the grout from around the granite tiles. Over time, dirt seems to find it’s way into those narrow cracks. Do you see how filthy that was? Well, it didn’t appear that way, until I started blasting the grout with steam. Yuck!


Here’s how it looks after one pass with my Dupray Neat. Do you see the difference? I went over it a second time with the Dupray Steamer, and it became cleaner.


I will say that the ceiling and walls didn’t appear that they needed to be cleaned, however, the steam quickly showed the accumulated dirt that was on them. The wood laminate floors get cleaned weekly, so they didn’t show too much dirt when the steam blasted them.


I’m loving that I can clean my walls and ceilings without needing a ladder. Now, that’s impressive! My first impression is that I really enjoy this steamer. It’s miles ahead of the Hoover twin tank steam mop that I was using, and that’s because it can do so much more than my steam mop could ever hope to accomplish.


  1. Versatility – This is more than a steam mop! I cleaned the floors, walls, ceilings, oven, baseboards, sinks, windows, Venetian blinds, and toilets! Phew… Guess what? There’s still more I can clean with my Dupray Neat steamer.
  2. Attachments are well made and feel solid. I noticed this when I pulled the rubber hose out of the box. My first thought was this feels solid and it’s sturdy. That only intensified after using the item.
  3. Mop head attachment uses clamps so you can apply any type of cloth to the mop head and secure it with the built-in clamps or use your own butterfly clamps or rubber bands to secure the cloth to the mop head.
  4. Compact size
  5. The steam that it generates. It gets hot. (It gets up to 275 F)
  6. Lock feature so you don’t have to continuously depress a button to produce steam.
  7. A long hose. It’s 6′ 6″!
  8. A long extension cord. It’s 16″
  9. No chemicals. I don’t use chemicals, however, steam has always made that process easier. We have pets. I don’t have to be concerned with our pets tracking through a chemically treated floor. I felt the same way when my daughter was an infant. We were chemical free back then also.
  10. Three year warranty.
  11. Lifetime warranty on the boiler.
  12. Dupray donates some of their steam cleaners to various animal outreach programs.
  13. Dupray plants tree with each purchase of some of their select steamers.

With the cons most are minor and I understand why they most likely aren’t a feature since this would increase the price of the unit.


  1. The nylon bristle attachment can’t withstand grout cleaning. My first two attachments melted after the first use use. This wasn’t new to me. I already knew about this from some of the reviews I’d read. It seems that people experience this with other brands also. My suggestion would be for Dupray to use a material that would withstand the high steam? Is there one?
  2. A channel/notch where you can securely snap/attach the extension cord while in use. This is very minor since I really haven’t had any issues with cord tangles.
  3. A detachable hose.
  4. You get about 45 minutes of cleaning and then you need to refill the water. You have to wait 25 minutes before you can do this. When you unscrew the cap, you’ll hear a hiss. Wait for the pressure to be released an refill! A minor inconvenience. I just did other things, however, moving forward 45 minutes is most likely all I’ll need.
  5. An indicator light/meter that shows when you’re running low on water. It doesn’t have one. My Steamfast portable is the same way. I will say that I already know when it’s running low. The amount of steam/pressure slows down.

I purchased my Dupray Neat Steam Cleaner from Amazon.

Dupray is a third party seller on Amazon, so the item ships directly from Dupray. Even though I did not have the guaranteed two-day delivery. I still received my steam cleaner within four days. Overall, I’m thrilled with this purchase. As I mentioned it’s much better than the Hoover twin tank steam mop that I had and that’s because it can do so much more than “mop” the floor.

My initial impression is that it’s worth more than what I paid based on the amount I can do with the cleaner and in less time. Here’s hoping I continue to feel that way. I’ll continue to write updates about this item.


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Gee!!! That’s amazing! I wouldn’t mind having one like that!