It’s a warm day here in Maryland and I’m knitting. Can you believe that? The reason is, my dreadlocks are very long and weigh a lot. Much more than normal hair. To take the weight off the hair root, I’ve decided to knit a tube to place my hair inside. Since it will lift my hair up it will take some of the pressure of the hair root. A bit hard to describe in words, but I’ll be sure to post pictures sometime this week.
My first dreadlock tube is being made with the super squishy malabrigo yarn. Can’t wait until it’s finished so I can start using it for my hair.
Summer’s here. Pretty hot here too but we get rain sometimes on certain days. Count our blessings.
suituapui recently posted..Let’s go bowling (1)…
@suituapui, Yes, regardless of what comes our way, it’s important to count our blessings. Name them one by one and you’ll see what God has done. 🙂 Always loved that song.
Aynaria recently posted..Countdown…
Looking forward to seeing the finished product!
Jennifer recently posted..Rooftop Garden NOW Outside!
It’s finished@Jennifer! I casted off this morning and am wearing it now. I’ll have to get my daughter to post a picture of me actually wearing that. I’ll get her to do that later today.
Aynaria recently posted..Knitting: Dreadlock tube