Juicing Adventures: Let food be thy medicine…

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

― Hippocrates

I imagine that many people don’t think of “medicine” as being a good thing. But I do consider my food to be my “medicine”.  I mainly consume whole foods, which means I eat as close to the foods natural source as possible. It also means, that whenever possible I choose food that is free of chemicals.

Earlier today I turned this produce

Produce for Juicing
Produce fresh from our garden!

into this…

Produce from Juice

Of course,  some of the juice went into my daughters thermos today. It is her last day of Art Camp.
Juicing - Thermos

I juice in the morning. At that time, I make enough to last me the entire day.

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YUMMY! I remember you telling me – but which Juicers do you have again!? I’m thinking about upgrading 🙂
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