Juicing and smoothies

In keeping with my lenten resolve, this morning I made an incredible juice blend with apples, carrots, grapes, kale, lemon and ginger. I prepared enough to keep at home and the rest was brought to work in the stainless steel thermos you see in the background. This delicious juice blend went over well with the ones I shared it with at work today.  They were surprised at how delicious freshly made juices can tastes.

Blueberry green smoothie 03.26.14

I still have some of that delightful juice left and so a few moments ago, I added a bit of kale, strawberries and blueberries to the juice made this morning and blended everything in my Vitamix and made myself a smoothie. My goodness is it delicious. I’m slowly sipping my smoothie through a straw, taking care to ‘chew’ each sip.

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Excellent Ingredient combos and recipe ideas! Thanks for sharing!!!! I forgot to take a pic of mine a few days ago! 2 Handfuls of Spinach, 1/4 Banana, a few Raspberries 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..Soaking & Sprouting Nuts & Seeds – More Specifically (This Time Around) Broccoli Sprouts & Shoots


That’s a whole lot of things all-in-one.