The past few days, I’ve been experiencing cold like symptoms. Besides upping my intake of raw garlic (which is anti-bacterial) I’ve also been increasing my intake of select juices.
This morning I juiced carrot, ginger, and garlic (all three awesome for cold prevention). And promptly drank the blend. It tasted great. Juiced carrots are sweet, ginger added a spicy kick, and garlic was added since its my go to ingredient when fighting a cold.
I started juicing religiously about seven years ago. I did a lot of research on the topic, and finally purchased a Green Star juicer. It’s a solid juicer that easily juices whatever I toss at it including the harder vegetables like beets and jicama. It’s a bit expensive costing me well over $300, but it has definitely paid for itself since purchasing freshly made juice would have been more expensive.
My daughter loves freshly made juices also, and seems to enjoy when I create something new. I like that she prefers freshly made juices/smoothies over the overly the sugary beverages (devoid of nutrition) that flood our supermarkets.
I can imagine that ginger is fine against colds, but after my experience of a colonoscopy and drinking Phosphoral which they have for some interesting reason flavoured with lemon and ginger, I’ll never ever eat or drink anything with ginger ever again in my entire life unless it’s in ginger cookies or glögg for Christmas.
For colds I use echinacea instead.
@Susanne, In one of my rare hospital visits I remember they gave me a strawberry milkshake (that evil concoction tasted nothing like a milkshake) I stayed away from strawberry drinks for a long time. I use echinacea too, we have it growing in our garden.
I remember glögg from my visit to Sweden, love it!
Aynaria recently posted..Juicing; Carrot & Ginger Juice
I have a Jack LaLane and am planning on firing it back up again very soon! I somewhat blogged about that today…since tomorrow begins a Global Juice Fast. I’m not going to Fast but will increase my juices and smoothies in the near future. LOVE the color of this juice!
Jennifer recently posted..Hats, Chickpeas, Raw Sauce, Chi-Wee, and Global Juice
I’ve always liked juicing @Jennifer, naturally the juice is concentrated, so you are getting more nutrients in your system since most wouldn’t be consuming that amount on a regular basis.
I use the juicing pulp in soups, broths, and veggie burgers. Occasionally my garden is lucky enough to get it too, since juicing pulp makes great compost for plants. 😉
Aynaria recently posted..And so it begins…
My Grandfather swore by banana peels around his rose bushes!!!!
Jennifer recently posted..Vegan Essentials
Q – Looks yummy! That ginger will be good for an upset stomach too.
curls and q recently posted..Finished Object Friday: Linen Scarf and Pretti-Cozy
@curls and q, Yes ginger has a lot of amazing benefits, it’s a great energy boost too.
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