Knit Picks Options interchangeable needles has arrived; replacement

Black-eyed Susan

I’ve always loved Black-eyed Susan’s… we have a lot of them around our house. I took this snapshot about an hour ago. Isn’t it lovely?

Last week I commented about the awesome customer service I’d received from Knit Picks.

I’d recently purchased the Options interchangeable circular knitting needles in nickel plate, upon inspection I noticed that one of the size 4 needle tips was slightly bent where the knitting needle connects to the cable. Uh oh! It wasn’t that obvious, but I called Knit Picks anyway, since I didn’t want to run the risk of stripping where it connects to the cable join.

Knit Picks Options Interchangeable circular knitting needles

The customer service rep was pleasant and told me a replacement needle would be sent to my home.  My replacement needle arrived about an hour ago. An instead of just one needle, I received two. I thought that was nice.

Thanks Knit Picks for the impressive customer service. I will be ordering from you again.

In other news…

Knitting Elizabeth Cowl
Knitting: Elizabeth Cowl from the Wendy Knits Lace Book

I’m almost finished my first project from the book, Wendy Knits Lace. I’m knitting the Elizabeth cowl. I decided to make the cowl in a worsted weight yarn, a bit thicker weight than what was mentioned in the book.

Knitting: Elizabeth-Cowl
Almost at the halfway mark with my Elizabeth cowl, and yes I used my Knit Picks Options interchangeable knitting needles.

I took the above pictures two days ago, and have added several inches since that time. I most likely will complete it later today.