Knitting 101: How to knit; video tutorial

Recently, I received an email from one of my Celebrate Life readers…

In their email, they asked why I haven’t written about knitting on this site. No reason really, there’s a lot of crafts I don’t write about here, sewing, jewelry making, soap making, are just a few but over time I guess I could post pictures of some of my other crafts. I still do many of them, but recently crochet has been on the top of my list. Understandable, it’s my newest craft. I crochet often, so I can improve, and someday (hopefully) my crochet skills will be at the same level as my other crafts.

I started knitting when I was eight-years old, since that time I’ve made quite a few knitted items.

Currently, I’m not knitting anything. Crochet has my undivided attention.

But, I have been thinking about knitting socks… a lot. I’ve always adored knitted socks. I still haven’t tried crocheted socks yet… but I will.

Mass produced socks can’t compare to quality hand knitted socks; knitted socks are much better. If someone ever knits you a pair of well-made knitted socks, be very impressed. They most likely think you’re awesome. Since knitted socks, at times, can a while to create.

I vaguely remember knitting a few pairs, in my twenties. In fact, I still have the few pair I made. I went through a period where I’d have huge bursts of creative energy. Ok, I still get those now (sort of like the crochet kick I’m n) but I can’t shut myself off the outside world, being a mommy, and all. But back in my twenties,  on weekends, when the crafty bug hit… I’d lock myself in my downtown apartment for the entire weekend, and tune everything out, focusing on my creativity.

For those interested in learning knitting, check out the basic knitting 101 video tutorial above. Unlike Dan’s humorous knitting 101 video tutorial. The above video will get you started with the basic stitch.

What I do like about Modeknit’s knitting video is she does part of the video in slow motion. Perfect, for someone new to knitting. That’s why Teresa Richardson aka Crochet Geek, is my favorite crochet teacher on Youtube. The majority of her crochet video tutorials are done in this manner; and it’s how I learned to crochet.

I do think when we go on vacation in July, knitting needles will be accompanying my crochet hooks. Of course, I’ll be bringing yarn too.

I’ll most likely add knitting back into my routine at the end of July or sometime in August. After all,  I do have a few long-term knitting projects on my to do crafty list.  So you’ll definitely see me knitting socks, and perhaps at least one gorgeous knitted cardigan, as some of my works in progress.

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[…] What’s my regret? There isn’t a similar  how to crochet video tutorial. Check out this post for a link to a knitting 101 video tutorial. […]

Mike Reeson@toy haulers

This tutorial definitely helps to clarify. Knitting is not easy! 🙂
Mike Reeson@toy haulers recently posted..23-fb-interior