Knitting: A cure for my lace craving

The urge to create is strong…

Often times I get the desire to sew on one of my numerous Brother sewing machines, knit with my Hiya Hiya Knitting needles or crochet hooks and make something. There are times when I really don’t know what I want to create, I just want my hands to stay busy.

What will I knit next? I’m not sure, but I would love to knit something with cables or lace… perhaps I’ll start on something this evening!

Recently, I’ve been thinking about knitting lace… A LOT!  More specifically, I’ve been thinking about creating an ‘heirloom blanket’ made entirely out of lace. It’s a long term project, that most likely would take a few years and I’m fine with that. Finding what exactly I’d like to make and the type of yarn to use is the issue.
Knitting Lace Book A Workshop with Patterns and Projects

I’ve read great reviews about Knitting Lace: A Workshop with Patterns and Projects by Susanna Lewis, I’ve decided to purchase a copy. I immediately thought of Curls & Q, when I read about this book. They’ve shown some knitted lace on their website and I imagine they’d  enjoy this book also.

I prefer hard cover books, this was only available in soft cover. I most likely will take it to my local print shop to get a cover more to my liking. I must say that I’m thrilled that I found this out of print copy on Amazon. From what I’ve read, it can be hard to find and some have mentioned that the price for this out of print book has been high.

While checking on other bloggers, who have this book, I stumbled upon the O! Jolly! knitting website. She made a comment on another bloggers site and since I liked  what she wrote (and her gorgeous locs) I checked out her website. I’m so glad I did! She’s a knitting designer, and uses a knitting machine to create some of her gorgeous knitwear. I must say, that I love her sense of style and will definitely bookmark and return to her site for knitting inspiration.

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I love lace, lace blouses, dresses…so elegant, so classy…but my missus would not wear anything with lace – said it’s for old ladies and she would not wear pearls either. Tsk! Tsk! And to think that she’s not much younger than me!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!!
suituapui recently posted..Point of view…


Yup! You ROCK the Fibers, girl! LOVE seeing your projects 🙂
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