Aren’t these shawls lovely?
My favorite is Bonsai! Oh by the way, clicking on each picture will take you directly to the page where you can download the pattern.
This past weekend, Curls & Q’s clued her readers into these delightful knitting patterns. Do you want to know something? They’re free. Q is quite the enabler! I’ve purchased plenty of crochet and knitting patterns via the Ravelry site and I’ve picked up a few free patterns also. Naturally, I’ve already snapped up these patterns and stored them in my library on Ravelry. I’m looking forward to seeing more designs (priced or free) by Anna Yamamoto the knitting designer who created these fabulous pieces.
I’m nudging the super talented Nicky, so she can take advantage of these lovely designs also.
Oh WOW! Those are FAB 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..Blissful Journey Outing ~ Trader Joe’s, Barnes & Noble, and Eats ~ In Buffalo
@Jennifer, I know, right? I have to decide which one I want to knit first.
Aynaria recently posted..Cold weather, warm mittens; knitting two at a time
I think I like the first one best but that Purple color is so awesome, too!
Jennifer recently posted..I WON A Vitamix! Woot!
I got your Bat-girl signal and was able to download three of these. Thanks so much for the page. 😀
Nicky recently posted..Nothing Lasts Forever …
@Nicky, Bat girl, that made me chuckle. You’re welcome!
Aynaria recently posted..Weaving a woolen scarf with my rigid heddle loom; 32″ Kromski Harp
Q – Aw gosh….. 😎 I love the shawls! Bonsai is totally lovely, but I look at the fingerling sized yarn an….. Yikes! Thanks for the kudos.
Susan recently posted..Bluer Than Blue
@Susan, You’re welcome. I’m thinking of doing that in a large weight yarn and a smaller knitting needle. I’ve done that a few times before and have loved the results.
Aynaria recently posted..Cold weather, warm mittens; knitting two at a time