I adore shawls and wear them constantly during the cooler months. I’ve designed and sewed many of my own, but I realized that I’m lacking with crocheted or knitted shawls. It’s high time I changed that, right?

This Monday, I casted on the Diamonds and Pearls shawl. It’s a simple pattern that knits up very quickly. But… between clients projects, hanging with my daughter, and other daily tasks, it hasn’t left me too much time for knitting. Yesterday, I’ve only managed to knit a few rows of the Diamond and Pearls shawl, but it’s coming along nicely. I’m over the halfway point, yeah!
With lace projects, I usually use a lighter yarn than the one used here. However, this pattern called for worsted weight yarn. Since I love the simple lacy design, I decided to cast on this project and start knitting.. I’m undecided if I’ll keep this or gift it to someone else? Decisions, decisions… Regardless of what I decide, I’ll deviate from the pattern a bit and make it longer, perhaps knit a simple crocheted flower, and I’m thinking I’ll incorporate beads into the knitted fringe.
Shelia January is the designer of Diamonds and Pearls, and can be found on Ravery. My user name on Ravelry is OpalT. The knitted shawl pattern can be found in The Book of Yarn. Please note that this pattern is written, no charts, I prefer charts, but since I really wanted to make it. I started knitting the shawl.
Knitting: Diamonds and Pearls errata page
I usually come up with my own designs, but when following a pattern, I’ve gotten into the habit of searching for an errata page. There’s an errata page for the Diamonds and Pearls knitted shawl, and while there aren’t many errors with this pattern. If I remember it’s only two, it’s still wise to check when working with a pattern before you start the project. With this pattern, the first error is located within the first row.
I’m linking too…
For some reason I can’t comment on your most recent post, so I’ll leave a note here—I love your shawl! It’s always interesting to work a lacy-ish pattern in heavy yarn like that, and I think it’s looking beautiful. Such a nice colour, too.
Kathleen recently posted..Hello, August.
Thanks @Kathleen it’s my first time working with something this heavy for lace, but thus far I really like how it looks. The plus side is I can wear it in cooler weather too.
Oh by the way, thanks for letting me know you couldn’t comment on this post. I’m not sure how that happened but the comments were disabled on this post. I just moved your post from the last post to here. I used the WordPress Comment Move Plugin to accomplish that. … I love the WordPress Plugins, they have so many cool gadgets.
Aynaria recently posted..Diamonds and pearls shawl; knitting
Me too. It said “Comments Closed” when I tried to leave one. Anyhoo, I love your shawl and I actually do like seeing lace patterns on heavier weight yarns. To me the lace looks strong and outstanding when heavier weight yarn gets blocked well.
I look forward to seeing the finished project.
Nicky recently posted..My Stacks Are Growing!!!!!
Thanks @Nicky,
I most likely won’t get to work with this until next week. My daughter’s best friends birthday is Saturday, and I complete forgot that I didn’t make her a doll. Whoops, and so my fingers have been busy with a few dolls; knitted and crocheted. It’s been a lot of fun.
Ugh, I’m so not looking forward to blocking. I’m sure I’ll try to put that off, lol. But I won’t, since I want to see how the shawl looks. It might take me a while to settle on the edging, I’m not too fond of the edging used so I’m racking my brain for an alternative. I’m thinking about a fancy crochet edging.
Aynaria recently posted..Knitted Mary Jane slippers; simple
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! Your shawl looks great! I love the color.
Thanks @Charlotte, It’s one of my favorite colors. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Diamonds and pearls shawl; knitting
Looks great! The same colour as one of my wips!
Tanya recently posted..WIP: bicraftual
Hello @Tanya, I noticed that too, when I commented on your blog. It’s always nice to meet other people that crochet and knit. 😉
Aynaria recently posted..Knit Picks Options interchangeable needles has arrived; replacement
That shade of green is one of my favorite colors. The shawl is working up very nicely!
Kristen recently posted..The Ravellenic Games are Here
Thanks @Kristen, I haven’t had a chance to work with it, so many other projects have grabbed my attention, but I’m hoping to finish it this week.
Aynaria recently posted..Girls just want to have fun…
Very pretty! We tend to forget to look for errata pages. Need to be more conscientious in doing so. Smart you! Was that purple yarn a provisional cast on?
Curls and Q recently posted..My Dyed Harvest Yarn Shawlette
Thanks @Curls and Q,
That was a lifeline, I started making stupid mistakes so decided it would be wise to add them often. I normally use a lighter weight yarn for a lifeline, but didn’t feel like moving to go to my yarn closet. I reached in my yarn bag, and used the first yarn that I grabbed. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Crocheted amigurumi doll; almost complete
[…] a lace project with worsted weight yarn. For some reason I was thinking that title belonged to my Diamonds and Pearls shawl, but obviously I was wrong since I’m still working on that […]