The past few weeks have been a bit cold in Maryland. We’ve already had snow twice, nothing major about 8″ the first time and perhaps 4″ a few days later. Since I enjoy knitting my daughter and I have been well prepared wrapped up in our knitted hats, gloves and cowls.
I did notice that my fathers favorite hat, the one that I knitted on Christmas Eve 2013, could use an upgrade! Since Maryland has been getting a lot of cold weather, I’ve decided to knit him a lined thrummed hat. Today, I started on my father’s thrummed hat. Guess what? I’m almost finished knitting the lining, so it won’t be long before I start incorporating thrumming into the part of the hat that’s visible. I’ll have to purchase additional roving since I don’t think he would want red thrum on his grey hat. The roving yarn I purchase will most likely be black, blue or grey roving.
Incorporating “thrumming” into your knitting, makes an item incredibly warm since you’re attaching bits of fiber into your knitted cloth to increase the garments warmth. This technique is mainly seen in mittens and hats.
For those unfamiliar with the technique, I’ve included a video so you can understand how this knitting process is done. Later this week, I’ll be sure to post a few pictures of the thrummed hat that I’m knitting for my father. I’ll be sure to post pictures of the inside so you can see how dense and fluffy that becomes.
I remember that hat from last year! LOVED it! Looking forward to all of the projects you are working on! I know they will be wonderful 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..Cheesy Protein Crackers
@Jennifer, That has is well worn and loved by my father. I do think he suspects something. I was knitting in front of him and he asked a lot of questions about what I was making. He NEVER does that…
Aynaria recently posted..Two handmade washcloths per week
Can’t wait to see your F.O. Thanks so much for the video; I see some thrumming in my near future.
Nicky recently posted..50/52: The Spirit of Christmas Edition
@Nicky, I can’t wait to see what you make, you’re talented and I always love seeing the colors you put together.
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[…] I finished the lined thrummed hat that knitted for my father. […]