I’m still knitting that “checkered cowl”. I haven’t had too much time to knit, but I try to knit a few rows weekly.
The stitch pattern is stockinette and seed stitch. It’s simple, but I really like how this knitted cowl looks. If you look closely, you’ll see metal rings. That lets me know that I need to swap my stitch pattern. I’m almost finished. I think I’ll do one more “section of blocks” before I tuck it away. I still haven’t decided on who will receive this handcrafted item, but I’ll make sure the person actually wants something like this.
Since I used size 3 knitting needles, the stitches are tightly woven together and will do a great job blocking out the cold winds that might blow.
VERY nice! Reminds me of gift my aunt made for our wedding years ago!
Jennifer recently posted..Raw Collard Veggie Wraps with Apricot Tamari Dipping Sauce & Super Creamy Vegan Mac & Cheese
Thanks @Jennifer, I’m almost finished but it’s taken me forever to complete. I guess it would help if I actually knitted, finding the time has been challenging.
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