Not too long ago, I started knitting the hat that you see below for my daughter.

She wanted a knitted hat for the fall and she also seems to have misplaced her favorite owl knit hat that I’d made.

I consoled her and told her it would be no problem knitting her a hat.
This hat was made quite easily. In fact, I started on it the weekend we went to my BF’s parents house. I used a moss stitch for the brim of the hat, and the remaining stitches are good ole stockinette stitch. It’s simple mindless knitting that I don’t have to pay attention to at all. Which is perfect for when I want to pay attention to other things.
Guess what? I completed most of this hat while watching my BF in his Taekwondo class. I’m unsure if I’ll be able to finish this hat before Friday. I hope I do; however, if that’s not the case I’ll be sure to finish knitting it on Friday. My daughter will be joining me to watch the BF in his Taekwondo class.
Awesome colors! LOVE it! And you know I LOVE hats! Can’t wait to see more!
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@Jennifer, I’m slowly getting back into knitting. As I suspected, I have had no time to wrap up her hat. Perhaps I’ll be able to squeeze some time in today. If not, definitely tomorrow while we watch the BF in his Taekwondo class.
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Oh, autumn’s here. How time flies!
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