Recently, I enrolled my daughter into an eight session private lesson swimming class. Today was her second day and she started swimming! A few years ago, I tried to teach her but she was much to reliant on mommy always being there to venture out and try on her own. I figured hiring a swimming teacher for private lessons was a great option since she would not be as dependent on her (since she didn’t know her) and that would force her to learn some of the basic skills on her own. This summer, it looks like we’ll be spending more time at the pool.
I hope she does well! I know she will 🙂 Sounds like FUN!
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I should really go to an adult class; my dad’s attempt at toss me in traumatized me more than helped me learn to swim better.
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[…] Life! I write what I like… Learning to swim 30 […]
Bet she can swim by now – no problem, can learn very fast. My mum just threw me into the water in the stream beside my house – that was how I learned to swim, dog style. LOL!!!
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