Loom Weaving: 32″ Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle Loom

Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle LoomAfter much deliberation, I’ve decided to purchase the 32″ Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle Loom.

I’ll be able to weave a variety of cloths which I could sew, or I could make projects directly on the loom such as; small blankets, towels, woven bracelets, and  numerous other loom woven projects.

I’ve always been fascinated with loom weaving. I did simple pot holder projects as a child. As an adult, I occasionally use a small loom for my beaded jewelry. I guess in that sense, the awe comes from the fact that I’m crocheting or knitting. I’m turning strands of yarn/thread into cloth. I get that same feeling when I crochet or knit. No… I’m not going to abandon my Hiya Hiya knitting needles forever, but I most likely will put them on hold for a bit until I get comfortable with loom weaving. I did the same when I was learning crochet. Knitting was sidelined, for a few months, until I got comfortable with crochet.

What’s included with the 32″ Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle Loom

  1. It’s collapsible
  2. Built in warping board;  you turn the loom over and use the pegs to wind your warp (five yards plus).
  3. It comes with a 10-dent heddle
  4. 2 stick shuttles
  5. a pick-up stick
  6. a threading hook
  7. 2 clamps
  8. a warping peg
  9. warping board pegs and the very helpful “Warp Helper”

This week is when I most likely will be purchasing the 32″ Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle Weaving Loom. I’m so excited! I’ve ordered a few beginning books on loom weaving, set aside appropriate yarn for my first few projects and now I’m eagerly awaiting to purchase the loom so I can get acquainted with this craft. Knowing there might be a learning curve, I definitely won’t be disappointed if my first several beginning projects don’t look awesome. You have to start somewhere. With crochet it took about two to three months before I was comfortable with the process and I was crocheting daily. I didn’t let how poorly I was doing deter me from crochet. I knew with practice, I’d get better. I was right. The same will hold true with loom weaving.

Raverly has a Rigid Heddle Loom Weaving group that has been a great source of information for many of my newbie questions.

Simple warping for a Rigid Heddle Loom

Rigid Heddle Weaving with PattyAnne – Beginning Pick Up Stick

Hemstitching on Rigid Heddle Loom with PattyAnne

Additionally, YouTube has a lot of videos that are extremely helpful for beginners (me) and advanced loom weavers.

Of course… once I receive the loom I’ll write a review about my beginning experiences and I will post some of my first projects. It’ll definitely be great to compare my beginning projects to the ones I complete after I’m comfortable with loom weaving.


Schacht 36 Cherry Mighty Wolf - 8-Shaft LTD Edition Package

Will I eventually purchase a floor loom?

I would not be surprised if I eventually purchase a floor loom. I’m looking at you Schacht 36″ 8 Shaft Mighty Wolf! It has I love that although it’s much larger it is collapsible! But I don’t see myself purchasing that for quite some time. For what I immediately want to do, the Kromski will do. Which is why I choose the maximum length for my Heddle loom, it gives me a variety of projects that I can do so I know it will keep me occupied for quite some time.

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WOW! Very cool! I don’t know much about them but I know of a lady locally who has a similar one. I’m sure you will use it often!
Jennifer recently posted..Vegan Cauliflower Wings with Green Ranch Dressing


This is like what the ethnic people here use to weave their blankets…
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