After much deliberation, I’ve decided to purchase the 32″ Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle Loom.
I’ll be able to weave a variety of cloths which I could sew, or I could make projects directly on the loom such as; small blankets, towels, woven bracelets, and numerous other loom woven projects.
I’ve always been fascinated with loom weaving. I did simple pot holder projects as a child. As an adult, I occasionally use a small loom for my beaded jewelry. I guess in that sense, the awe comes from the fact that I’m crocheting or knitting. I’m turning strands of yarn/thread into cloth. I get that same feeling when I crochet or knit. No… I’m not going to abandon my Hiya Hiya knitting needles forever, but I most likely will put them on hold for a bit until I get comfortable with loom weaving. I did the same when I was learning crochet. Knitting was sidelined, for a few months, until I got comfortable with crochet.
What’s included with the 32″ Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle Loom
- It’s collapsible
- Built in warping board; you turn the loom over and use the pegs to wind your warp (five yards plus).
- It comes with a 10-dent heddle
- 2 stick shuttles
- a pick-up stick
- a threading hook
- 2 clamps
- a warping peg
- warping board pegs and the very helpful “Warp Helper”
This week is when I most likely will be purchasing the 32″ Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle Weaving Loom. I’m so excited! I’ve ordered a few beginning books on loom weaving, set aside appropriate yarn for my first few projects and now I’m eagerly awaiting to purchase the loom so I can get acquainted with this craft. Knowing there might be a learning curve, I definitely won’t be disappointed if my first several beginning projects don’t look awesome. You have to start somewhere. With crochet it took about two to three months before I was comfortable with the process and I was crocheting daily. I didn’t let how poorly I was doing deter me from crochet. I knew with practice, I’d get better. I was right. The same will hold true with loom weaving.
Raverly has a Rigid Heddle Loom Weaving group that has been a great source of information for many of my newbie questions.
Simple warping for a Rigid Heddle Loom
Rigid Heddle Weaving with PattyAnne – Beginning Pick Up Stick
Hemstitching on Rigid Heddle Loom with PattyAnne
Additionally, YouTube has a lot of videos that are extremely helpful for beginners (me) and advanced loom weavers.
Of course… once I receive the loom I’ll write a review about my beginning experiences and I will post some of my first projects. It’ll definitely be great to compare my beginning projects to the ones I complete after I’m comfortable with loom weaving.
Will I eventually purchase a floor loom?
I would not be surprised if I eventually purchase a floor loom. I’m looking at you Schacht 36″ 8 Shaft Mighty Wolf! It has I love that although it’s much larger it is collapsible! But I don’t see myself purchasing that for quite some time. For what I immediately want to do, the Kromski will do. Which is why I choose the maximum length for my Heddle loom, it gives me a variety of projects that I can do so I know it will keep me occupied for quite some time.
WOW! Very cool! I don’t know much about them but I know of a lady locally who has a similar one. I’m sure you will use it often!
Jennifer recently posted..Vegan Cauliflower Wings with Green Ranch Dressing
@Jennifer, I hope so, it looks like it would be extremely rewarding, just like my other fiber crafts; crochet, knitting and sewing. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Navajo Weaver Clara Sherman; Carding, weaving and spinning
This is like what the ethnic people here use to weave their blankets…
suituapui recently posted..Another day, another year…
@suituapui, That is gorgeous, thanks so much for sharing the link. 🙂 If I was there and could speak the language, I’d be asking her a lot of questions. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Loom weaving