Monday: Returned to work

Yesterday was my first day back at work since March. While I enjoyed my time at home, it’s nice to be back. Currently, my job is planning to bring all employees back to work by the end of next month. With the new guidelines in place, because of the COVID pandemic, offices are still required to practice ‘safe distancing’ within the workplace. Additionally, temperatures are checked shortly after arrival. Anyone who has a high temperature will be sent home. Currently, I’m in a temporary location at a safe distance away from my other officemates.

Do you know what I noticed upon my return to work? A lot of people had gained weight. Not surprising there since many of us were at home and some most likely didn’t do too much while there. I was one of those that had to find ways to stay active. Yard work was definitely helpful and I also invested in an exercise bike since the gym, where I have a membership, was closed.

While going to work, I have noticed that I’m not running into any traffic. Before, I ran into traffic 99% of the time. While I appreciate that the roads aren’t congested, I must say that I’ll be happy when more people return to work since it means the majority of employees are back at work. A few months ago, I told my daughter and parents that I would not be surprised if some businesses allow their employees to continue to work from home.

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