No school today; Crafts, gardening, grilling, playtime, running, etc.,

My daughter’s thrilled because she can sleep in late.

She’s off today, and Monday we celebrate Memorial Day in the United States, so she’s out of school for four days! Which is great, since it means I get to hang out with her.

Yesterday was a half day at her Lutheran school. And so her best friend/classmate, her mom, and I went out to eat, it was a great time for all. My daughter got to hang out with her best friend for several hours, and I got to chat with her friend’s mom; C. Over the years, we’ve had plenty of play dates, and I always enjoy chatting with C.

But back to my daughter’s sleeping habits…

If I let her, she’ll sometimes sleep until 8:00 am. And I do let her sleep in when she’s not in school. When she finally rolls out of bed, she’s greeted with a cheery mommy, yeah I’m one of those types too, and her breakfast will be prepared.

She’s so unlike her mommy. I’m up early, usually by 3:30 a.m, and late to bed too. My body doesn’t need more than five hours of sleep. I’ve always been this way, even as a child. Over the years, I’ve seen a variety of studies conducted on people such as myself, Β and while we’re in the minority, for us, the lack of sleep is “normal”.

I’m hoping we can go outside today. Currently it looks like rain. Boo! I’d love to grill, and my daughter is eager to run on the track. Earlier this week, we made a makeshift running track in the back part of our yard. It’ s not a flat surface, small hill, and it’s grassy, so this should be a nice workout. I’ll try to take pictures of it this weekend, and post it on Celebrate Life.

I mentioned this makeshift running track to Dragonlady, when I was commenting on her site. I must say, I’m enjoying reading about her running experiences since it’s inspiring, hearing others accomplishments inspires me to continually work on the areas of my life that I want to improve.

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I am jealous. I want a 4 day weekend too! But I should be happy with having a 3 day. πŸ™‚

I can’t wait to see your track! πŸ™‚
DragonLady recently posted..Sometimes it’s an adventure


It’s so funny that your daughter is unlike you, but I guess it is as you said, you are in the minority as far as sleeping habits go. I’ve also read about some people who have strange digestive patterns but they too are perfectly healthy, just on a different schedule than most of us. I find all that stuff interesting. I can be either a morning or a night person but lately it has been morning and I fall asleep early these days. But it feels good to get the right amount that the body needs. So, yay for DragonLady for getting some linky love! I want to do more of that at my site too. Hoping to do that in the next few posts. I like reading her blog too. And I am interested in seeing your track. Sounds like a better workout than a normal flat track. Probably prettier, too! πŸ™‚

Jeremy@Cork Bed and Breakfast

It is a great feeling to have some time with your kids and make them understand the importance of such events and days in our life.