Next Monday, my daughter and I will be visiting an acquaintance house for their Chanukah celebration. I must say that this is a first time that my daughter has received such an invite. We met the family through my daughter’s local homeschool co-op. We had also been invited to the girls Bat Mitzvah (which happened earlier this month) however, we had already had plans for that day. I’ve always wanted to attend a bat mitzvah also. According to Jennifer, the mom of my daughter’s classmate, the 18th is the best night (according to her) and so I’m thrilled that they’ve invited us to join them in their celebration. Looking over the Chanukah celebration, I find that each day one is supposed to read passages from the book of Numbers. I read my Holy Bible daily, from cover to cover and additional readings on my own. In my cover to cover reading, I’m now in Numbers.
One of the many things that have always fascinated me about Jewish traditions, is the many different celebrations they have and how it’s tied to the Torah. In the “modernized version of Christianity” or I should say the ‘politically correct’ version (which I don’t ascribe too) the Holy Bible warns us about that and choosing man’s beliefs over him. I fear God more than anyone else and will not place anyone before him. But in our modern day Christianity it’s clear, many of the religious holidays aren’t even recognized. If you do want to learn about them, be prepared to do some research which I have done and we do recognize various Christian holidays (not the mainstream) in our home.
Hope you have FUN at the celebration! Can’t wait to hear more!
Jennifer Bliss recently posted..Dal Bukhara, Old School Merry-Go-Rounds, & Deliciously Ella Everyday!
@Jennifer Bliss, We had a wonderful time. We’re getting together next month, which is almost here! We’ve been invited to a few more upcoming Jewish celebrations. I’m excited. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..What’s in a name?
Can’t wait to hear about them!
Jennifer Bliss recently posted..Vegan Street Food & Popcorn
@Jennifer Bliss, I will be posting as we do things together.
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