Overabundance of produce; early morning gardening

Warning this is a picture heavy post…


The past few weeks we’ve received heavy downpours of rain, and our garden has shown it’s appreciation through the overabundance of produce we’ve received.

Barrelful of watermelon

Watermelons picked from our one acre garden.

Early morning is my favorite time to do gardening work, and so you usually can find me in the garden shortly after 5:00 am. This morning, I was pleased with the amount of watermelons we had in our garden. I needed a wheelbarrow to get all  the watermelons. We also have cantaloupe, and honeydew melons.


Toys and watermelons
My daughter placing her toys amongst the watermelons

This morning my daughter awoke early enough to join me outside, and while I wasn’t expecting her to be awake at 5:30, I enjoyed her company!

Amineko & Barbie with watermelons
Amineko and Barbie, basking in the early sun rays…

She and arranged one of the collectible Barbie dolls that I’d given her onto the watermelons. Mario, one of the crocheted amineko’s I’d made, joined Julie the Barbie (my daughter named them both) as they basked in the early morning sun rays…


dried beans
Beans from our garden, they were dried in the sun, shelled and are stored in jars.


Here’s a photo of some of the beans my daughter and I shelled, last evening. There were a lot, so it took about two hours to complete the task. The time flew by quickly as we worked, we chatted about the day, and talked about upcoming activities we’d be doing, such as the chart recently mentioned on Curls&Q, my daughter is a list maker. Of course, my fingertips are still numb from shelling all those beans.

Gardening can be hard work, but I enjoy it immensely. If you put effort into your crops, it can be rewarding.

Last evening, I did knit a few rows of my Elizabeth cowl, but it wasn’t completed. I could if I’d pushed myself, but I was exhausted from yesterdays activities.


Knitted Elizabeth cowl
My knitted Elizabeth cowl, it still needs to be blocked.

This morning, once my gardening was complete, I was able to finish the Elizabeth cowl! It’s not exactly like the pattern, since I added extra stitches/rows, and I opted for a heavier yarn (worsted weight) I still like how it’s turned out. I might keep this cowl for myself, since I do prefer them over scarves.


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Sounds wonderful! It means a lot to us and to our kids to spend time with them doing outside activities, even if it’s something as simple as gardening. 🙂


Wow! So many watermelons? You don’t sell them? Too bad I don’t have green fingers…and besides, I’m basically very lazy. Sigh!!!
suituapui recently posted..In the neighbourhood…


Your Elizabeth cowl is coming up very nicely, I see. I love the red colour. Bet it’s going to look really great.
suituapui recently posted..In the neighbourhood…

Curls and Q

Wonderful! I’ll take a melon and some beans please! 8-)Your daughter is just so cute! I loved that she named her Barbie.

Love the Elizabeth Cowl! Nice.

Was out in my postage stamp size garden today too. 😎 Taking pics of the butterflies.
Curls and Q recently posted..SOS for Soakers


[…] I’ve completed knitting the Elizabeth cowl. I decided to move onto another knitted project. I’m sure my regular readers have noticed […]


In the process of buying a piece of land and can’t wait to have a garden. Nothing like seeing the fruits of your labor. Great to be sharing it with your daughter. She is so cute!
Elizabeth recently posted..2012-2013 Wine Festivals