Pattern testing and circular knitting needles

Circular knitting needles

I guess I can’t get enough of testing crochet patterns….

A few days ago, I accepted two additional pattern tests…

I figure, why not? I already try to crochet daily, even if it’s just a few rows. The more I crochet, the better my crochet skills will become. Testing out a crochet pattern gives me the practice I need to improve, while allowing me to crochet a pattern that I like. And… it also exposes me to different ways that a pattern can be written. Think about it, do you really think that all designers will write their patterns the same way?

I haven’t started on the crochet patterns…yet, but I will within the next few days. Being that they are simple, I should have them complete within one sitting. The longest a slouchy hat, which I’m claiming for myself, should only take two hours to make.

Picking up my knitting needles

In a recent post, I mentioned that I’d been thinking about knitting. I do adore handmade socks. I’ve made a few for myself, and have been gifted with some others by a dear friend that has deemed me “knit worthy” I cherish the few hand-knitted socks I have. However, I’ve been hesitating making them. It’s been a long time since I’ve done that, and it means relearning how to make them. But, I feel that my upcoming vacation will be a great time to relearn how to knit socks.

With that in mind, I’m stopping by A.C. Moore, once I drop my daughter off at school. I’ll be using their 40% coupon, and choosing some circular knitting needles. Circular needles are new to myself. I’ve never worked with them before, and have always favored the traditional or double pointed needles, but I’m fascinated with circular needles since knitting with them shouldn’t leave a seam.

But I have to admit, the real reason for having knitting on the brain recently, is that I want to incorporate knitting into some of my crochet ideas. I have a few additional ideas for an crocheted amigurumi doll, but some of those ideas require that knitting is added too.

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Knitting intimidates me greatly. 🙂
DragonLady recently posted..Sometimes it’s an adventure


Knitting on circulars may be something you end up really liking. It is actually a lot like crocheting in the round when you make amigurumis. At least that is most likely how it would be for sock making. Of course you could also try the making two at a time socks on the circulars but that would be a little different – it makes sense when you see videos. Regardless, you know I am looking forward to seeing your own patterns! I wonder what is going on in that head of yours. 🙂
Teeni recently posted..Blog Friendship Box, Er, Cup Version 2.0?

[…] Yesterday, I mentioned I’d purchased my first pairs of circular knitting needles… […]


I have to agree with you about circulars being easier than all those double pointed needles, but there are some who prefer the double pointed needles too. I guess it is what they became most comfortable with and you know how must of us humans are about change. LOL.
Teeni recently posted..Blog Friendship Box, Er, Cup Version 2.0?

[…] of the two crochet pattern tests I’m doing is this lovely […]

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[…] I saw the crochet designers call for pattern testers, I leaped at the opportunity. I really liked the style of the hat, since it reminds me of the […]

[…] planned. Way too many knitting projects are calling my name, and I’m over the moon about circular knitting needles! Who knew, I’d love them so […]

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[…] loop is a process I learned soon after I purchased my first pair of circular needles in May 2012. I received my first pair of circulars from my local craft big box stores (Michaels and AC Moore.) […]


[…] loop is a process I learned soon after I purchased my first pair of circular needles in May 2012. I received my first pair of circulars from my local craft big box stores (Michaels and AC Moore.) […]