Photography: Autumn

Woods 1

Have you ever had one of those days where things don’t go as planned? I’m guessing most of us have had those type of days. Yesterday, it was my turn to experience that. Uhm, yippee? I had lots of plans but the majority of them weren’t completed.

I was struck with waves of nausea throughout the morning. Raking the leaves wasn’t a pleasant experience, since I had to frequently take breaks, however the job was completed. I’d planned on visiting our stream with my daughter, but since I wasn’t feeling well — after finishing the leaves I headed inside. The above photo was taken in our back yard, near our woods.

I did manage to prepare an extremely delicious soup, and so I’ll be posting the recipe on the blog. Yes, I actually managed to measure the ingredients. However, if I want to take pictures, I’ll have to make more since my daughter and I consumed it all.

In the afternoon, I did something I haven’t done in a while, I pampered myself. Because I have a full life; Being a mom, work, volunteering, etc., at times I forget that I need to take care of me. However yesterday I took notice, and it felt great!

I drew a super hot bath, using some of the all natural bath products (that I make) on myself. I gave myself the full treatment. A few drops of essential oil was added to my bath water; Lavender, rose geranium, and peppermint. All three are effective at combating nausea. Additionally, I applied a clay facial mask. Those are great for skin tightening, removing impurities, and toning the skin. A sugar scrub was applied to my body, and after that round of pampering I applied a nice moisturizer. One of my body butters to which I’d added essential oils rose and lavender.

After some body pampering, I started feeling like my old self again. I’d like to believe that the soup I prepared specifically for that occasion helped, along with my stubborn resolve that I wasn’t going to become sick, and the pampering was good too.

Whatever it was, it was a nice wake up call that even though I live a busy life that now and again I need to relax and take care of myself too. Here’s hoping you all do the same.

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Mike Goad

Today was a down day for me — stiff and sore from patching a leak on the roof yesterday. I couldn’t really narrow down the source, so covered about 150 square feet with new shingles. My life style right now is definitely not sedentary, but I was working muscles in different ways than they are used to. 😉

I hope the nausea doesn’t recur.
Mike Goad recently posted..Florissant Fossil Beds


What a backyard. And what lies beyond those trees? A secret forest? Pampering self is good. Laziness is good. And soup is good, especially when one is feeling a bit off.
philip recently posted..Desperately seeking number 14


It’s so important to give yourself a time out every so often to recharge. Sounds like you had a lovely day!
Erika recently posted..How Did My Holiday Wish List Get Overrun with Cookbooks Again?


My favourite season. Love the red and the brown…and the ground carpeted with the fallen leaves of the same colour. Somehow, I find the season very nostalgic…
suituapui recently posted..Touched…


Hope the nausea is completely gone – the picture looks wonderful, and it sounds like you’ve been extremely productive.
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Autumn is great season and have cool and comfortable. I like this picture you have took, it is just the color of autumn 🙂 But I more like the coming winter, like the white world covered by thick snow.
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Kate Brown Wilson

In the place where I use to live I never experience Autumn season, to be honest we only have two climates summer and winter, I really don’t know what autumn looks like, how I wish I can experience it.
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