Remember the flowers I posted yesterday? Well, they’re Hyacinths.
I thought that was what they were, but for some reason the purple flowers didn’t look like the ones I had last year? Hmm… However after reading Karen’s comment, and actually taking another trek outside and looking at these pink flowers, which are the same type but growing at a faster rate — I agree with her.
Many thanks Karen, and if you get a chance stop by her lovely hand sewn quilting website.
Monday mornings, I normally go to a quilting group (which is part of one of the many small group ministries offered at the Lutheran church where I’m a member).
I’m unable to attend today, early this morning, I received a last minute writing assignment from a friend. I most likely would have passed it off to one of my writing pals, if it were a complete stranger since I have so much to do today.
I thought it might be that, but was by no means sure. I’m not a flower expert by any means, though I do like to take pictures of ’em. 😉
Mike recently posted..Dead Horse Point.
@Mike, You take some amazing photos. The purple hyacinths threw me off for a bit, but your wife’s comment made me go and look at them again, and then I gazed at the pink flowers right beside it. They’re the same type — but more the staggered look (bloom on top of bloom) that I’m used too seeing, and I said… yep she’s right. Strange, but I’ve never noticed hyacinths when they first started flowering.
Aynaria recently posted..Flowers in bloom
[…] to add The flowers are hyacinths! Karen, pointed that out in the comments […]
Beautiful Hyacinths! Love it!
Sally@lawn care marietta recently posted..Welcome to the best landscaping company Marietta offers
They’re definitely hyacinths. Great photo
Keith@Guildford Wedding Florists recently posted..So Simple! 5 Quick Wedding Projects with a Vintage Flair