Last Sunday, while on our way to church, my daughter and I saw this lovely visitor hanging out on our front porch.
I suspect this praying mantis had already laid her eggs (to be hatched next year.) She carefully looked us over, and after determining that we weren’t a threat she continued basking in the early sun rays — while my daughter and I hung out with her for a few moments.
Praying mantises are always a welcome sight in our garden, since they hunt and kill insects that would damage our crops.
I love insects, and praying mantis are one of my favorites so I usually try to make time to marvel at how awesome they are whenever I see them.
The females are generally larger than the male, and if the male isn’t careful he’ll become a meal for his cannibalistic companion shortly after mating. Be happy that human mating customs aren’t so deadly.
Our God is great, and has created out some amazing things, take time to enjoy life — it passes by so quickly.
Wonderful pictures! As mentioned before, it is uncommon for us to see a mantis, I’ve only seen a few. I’d love some to get rid of our dang ants! San Diego County is one big ant hill! Five different types on the acres I grew up on.
curls and q recently posted..Mystery Eater!
We do appreciate them @curls and q, I wouldn’t be surprised if you could order the from a gardening catalog. I know you can order ladybugs — they also prey on insects that can harm garden crops.
Aynaria recently posted..Just can’t get enough; hats and lots of them
It’s been a while since I have seen one of these guys! It used to be in NY State we would have them growing up. It also used to be ILLEGAL to kill them in the State of NY…not sure if that is still the case (but it SHOULD be)!
Jennifer recently posted..Mango Spinach Chia Smoothie
Hi @Jennifer, So nice to see you, yes it’s illegal to kill them in Maryland too.
Aynaria recently posted..Temporarily abandoning my DPNs for magic loop
I really miss seeing these. I’ve never seen them here in Wisconsin. They are amazing creatures.
Beth Ellen Nagle recently posted..Autumn
@Beth Ellen Nagle, They are amazing, their favorite plants, in our yard, are our butterfly bushes.