Random Acts of Kindness: Stained Glass Shawlette; free until 11/25/12

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States, my daughter and I are spending a lazy day at the house making crafts, reading, and I just got finished making sunflower seed butter aka Sunbutter! We won’t be having the traditional Thanksgiving meal… My daughter wants Indian food, and a few Kenyan side dishes. I prepared most of the meal yesterday,  which means there’s not so much to do today.

Earlier this morning, part of my lazy adventure had me on Ravelry. Doing the usual, checking a few patterns, and reading a few yarn reviews. While there I stumbled upon a Random act of Kindness post by a user named, Knitwench.

My mom’s 80th birthday would have been Nov. 24, and I always try to do Random Acts of Kindness to celebrate her memory. I wanted to offer my Stained Glass Shawlette as a gift this Thanksgiving weekend from Thursday morning to Sunday night. Code is KAY . And if you feel like doing a RAK in her memory, thank you!

How awesome is that? Since I love basic as well as complicated knitting stitches, I downloaded the pattern. I already know who I’ll be knitting this for, and now I have another excuse to pick up some more lovely yarn.

Most of the patterns I use are paid patterns, since I do appreciate the time the fiber artists put into their creations I’ll go out of my way to support them whenever I can. It’s a shame she doesn’t have other paid patterns, since I’d definitely be purchasing one of them.

I’m virtually poking knitting pals Q, D’nali, and Sarah so they can take advantage of this Random act of Kindness.



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Sarah Jane

Opal, thank you for the virtual ‘poke’. I downloaded the pattern 🙂 I have been wanting to do a knitted shawl for quite some time and this one will be perfect!
What a great idea for a RAK, I just may have to copy this one.
Sarah Jane recently posted..It’s all the same.


Thank you so much for this heads up! 😀 She did a wonderful thing; how very kind!
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