Raw Vegan – Green Salad; keeping it simple

I’ve been craving tons of greens and so a few moments ago I prepared this salad.

Green Avocado Salad_3 1.25.15
Green avocado salad with Apple kefir soda


It’s loaded with spinach, cucumbers, black beans and an avocado. I even tossed in a red bell pepper, sunflower seeds and a raw yellow onion.

Green Avocado Salad_2 1.25.15

I ground up a few herbs and spices in my mortar and pestle and added that to the salad.

Green Avocado Salad_1 1.25.15

For a bit of sweetness, I drizzled a touch of honey into the bowl and mixed well. It tastes wonderful. I made a large bowl, so it should last a little while. I’m sure my daughter will make a veggie sandwich with some of the ingredients. I’m hoping to at least sneak some of this delightful salad onto some dehydrated raw onion bread. We’ll see!

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Lovely salad. What’s in the bottle? Honey? It sure looks very pure. Yes, great for salads.
suituapui recently posted..With or without you…


Excellent! Nothing like a good salad!!!!!
Jennifer recently posted..Stocking Up on The Raw Food World


My lunches and dinners have been soups and salads as of late and I’m LOVING it 🙂
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