Rigid Heddle Loom: Double weave blanket

My daughters fabric still hasn’t arrived, I’m blaming it on the snow they’re receiving and so I’ll be going with plan B, getting a few yards of a matching satin fabric so I can add that to the front part of the dress.

Since, I won’t be doing that until tomorrow, I decided finish weaving the cloth that’s on my 32″ Kromski Rigid Heddle loom. The urgency to complete this project has everything to do with the fact that I want to make a double weave blanket.

Doubleweave cloth is perfect for weavers who’s eyes are bigger than their looms. In order to double the size of the cloth woven on my loom, two layers of woven fabric will be joined at one edge of my 32″ Kromski Harp. When the cloth is opened it will be double the size.

When I finally do advance to making my doublewoven blanket with my 32″ Kromski Harp, I’ll be sure to make the warp a neutral color and go crazy with the weft. In doing so, the warp won’t take away from the vivid colors of the weft fibers I use and the colors will really stand out. Since I only have one loom, I need to complete what’s on the loom, right?  This will be my first project using doubleweave, and I must say I’m really looking forward to trying this new to me technique.

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I’ve been REALLY trying to be patient, too! My Vitamix still hasn’t arrived! The suspense is killing me! LOL
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