Ron Finley: Planting a food forest in South Central LA

I love seeing this, what a great way to bring fresh produce into the inner city.

I’ve met a lot of people that are trying to take back their communities. Each year we give away produce from our garden to those in need, it’s a great feeling and it provides them with fresh chemical free produce.  Depending on where you live, you might not have fresh produce available.

Occasionally I scout out grocery stores to see what they have on the shelves, I’ve noticed that in some stores fresh produce isn’t readily available.

Being an art lover you know I checked out the embroidery on one of his sleeves and the back of his denim jacket, love it! If you blink, you’ll miss it… 😉 I’m thinking this was a custom made jean jacket. You see the threads hanging from the jacket. Which makes me wonder, why in the world did the person leave those threads? 

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Have you seen the documentaries “The Farm” and “The Garden”?
About the South Central Farmers – in California?

I watched both of them and my eyes filled with tears when I watched it!
Jennifer recently posted..Cheesy Tahini Sauce, Turkish Bean & Mushroom Stirfry, Berry Smoothie, and Hungry For A Change


Do you have Netflix or Hulu+???
We have both and Netflix has many doc’s on these kind of shows and Hulu is getting some more, too!
Jennifer recently posted..Cheesy Tahini Sauce, Turkish Bean & Mushroom Stirfry, Berry Smoothie, and Hungry For A Change