The next few days, I thought I’d mainly focus on consuming green smoothies. Not the sweet kind, these are all savory. I’m hoping to be able to share some of the green drinks I consume here on Celebrate Life, but we’ll see. It’s been so busy for us the past few months, and… it’s about to get busier… for me! Yikes!!! I know I can handle the new opportunities that are coming my way. I’ve been proactive and have planned accordingly, and now it’s just a matter of seeing if everything goes according to plan.
Can’t wait to see what you have in the works!
Jennifer recently posted..Banana Split from The NecessiTeas
@Jennifer, I’m slowly getting back into posting again. I’m adding, “posting on my websites,” to my weekly list. Hopefully, I can stick with that.
Aynaria recently posted..Avoiding candida triggers