Sewing: Another skirt marker

The past several weeks, my free time has been focused on sewing costumes for the Passion Play. I could have been reimbursed for the material that I’d purchased for the play but I decided that the money and time spent making the costumes would be my gift to the drama ministry at our Lutheran church. As much as I enjoyed creating the costumes, I’m so glad they’re finished! Now, I can focusing on making items for my daughter and myself.

Remember that vintage skirt marker I purchased? I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet. I guess it’s not surprising since my focus has been on designing and sewing Passion Play costumes. Also,  my six year old nephew is here this week! Naturally, this means my time is limited as I spend time with him and my daughter.  We’ve done a lot, and over the next week or so I’ll share photos of some of the things we’ve done. While they slept, I have been able to work on my knitted blanket!

I must say, that I’m looking forward to testing it out since that skirt marker is excellent if you don’t have someone to help you mark a hemline. In addition to that marker, a few days ago I purchased another vintage marker, the only difference is it uses pins to mark the hemline. It’ll be perfect when I’m working on outfits for daughter or when I’m making outfits for myself.

How did I end up with two vintage markers? I wasn’t thrilled with the current I’ve seen in the local fabric stores most seem cheaply made, and are made from plastic. I did some research on “vintage skirt markers” and that’s how I found them.  The latest one I’m receiving uses pins to mark hems. Which works perfectly if you have a dress form or someone to assist.  I’m thinking skirt marker that uses pins, will be a great opportunity to show my daughter how to mark hems correctly.

Both of the vintage skirt markers were made in either the the 1940s or early 1950s. Since they’re made from wood and metal, they’re sturdier that the current ones I’ve seen.

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