Simple; spicy vegetable stir fry

I’ve always loved making stir fry, the meal is prepared quickly, and I tend to toss whatever fresh produce is available.

My daughter thought this was great, she said she wished I added more greens.


Since we had cauliflower, turnips, still in the garden, those were the main ingredients in this dish. And to that I added red pepper, onions, and garlic. Pepper and onion season have ended in our one acre garden. I added a dash or two of olive oil to the skillet, tossed in yellow onions, and then stirred in the vegetables. I’m sure there are other ingredients I’m missing…

After a few minutes, I added a spicy sauce to the dish, let simmer for a few moments, then I served the meal. The spicy sauce came about several years ago.ย  IT was an attempt to recreate this lovely (and incredibly hot) shrimp paste sauce that I used in my pre-veggie days; so that was in the 1990s.ย  And I think I did a great job of replicating it, since it has all the flavor (and heat) of the shrimp paste I adored.

This simple dish turned out very well, and it didn’t last too long since my daughter had a few helpings, one at mealtime, and the next the following day. And here I thought I would have leftovers that lasted a few days! Sighs, not this time! ๐Ÿ˜‰


In other news…

I have so many good things to say about the interchangeable Hiya Hiyaย  sharp needles that arrived this past Saturday. I will say that I like them more than my Knit Picks Options needles, but my Hiya Hiya review will be saved for another post. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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LOL!!! You must be thrilled that your daughter loves it so much. I would be smiling from ear to ear of my daughter loves what i dish out… Wink! Wink!
suituapui recently posted..Keep it comingโ€ฆ


Nice, I’m always looking for inspiration recipe-wise, I think tonight I’ll put some veggies in the skillet with MY favorite hot sauce. I think I have some broccoli left, that might go in there too – yummy!


I love it went you post your dishes!!!
I have one on the stove now but am trying to get up to date from Thanksgiving still!
Jennifer recently posted..Outrageous Orange Carrots

curls and q

Q – Super yum!
curls and q recently posted..Donโ€™t Judge A Store By Itโ€™s Cover

Beth Ellen Nagle

I am not hungry but when I saw this I wanted some! Looks delicious!
Beth Ellen Nagle recently posted..Drawing:Red-breasted Nuthatch

Beth Ellen Nagle

Just fyi, my comments are coming through with errors. I am not sure they came through.
Beth Ellen Nagle recently posted..Drawing:Red-breasted Nuthatch

Beth Ellen Nagle

I should have copied and pasted the info for you. Maybe it will happen again as I post now. ๐Ÿ™‚
Beth Ellen Nagle recently posted..Drawing:Red-breasted Nuthatch

Beth Ellen Nagle

Ok, same thing happened. Here is what it said=

Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/imcel1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-ajax-edit-comments/lib/class.core.php on line 470 and defined in /home/imcel1/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
Beth Ellen Nagle says:
December 21, 2012 at 7:10 am

Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/imcel1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-ajax-edit-comments/lib/class.core.php on line 470 and defined in /home/imcel1/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990

I should have copied and pasted the info for you. Maybe it will happen again as I post now. ๐Ÿ™‚
Beth Ellen Nagle recently posted..Drawing:Red-breasted Nuthatch
Beth Ellen Nagle recently posted..Drawing:Red-breasted Nuthatch