Skin Care Progress – Hyperpigmentation has diminished significantly

I recently started tackling the hyperpigmentation, around my T-zone area. I will say that my efforts have paid off significantly, and the darker spots that were around the T-zone area have decreased a lot.

I can’t say what one product helped the most, because to be perfectly honest, they all did; however, I can tell you the beauty tools I used were significant in reducing the dark spots. How do I know that? Simply using the natural skin care products that I had been using were effective, but the skin lightening was happening at a much slower rate.

I’ll be sure to post photos of my before and after sometime soon, and I’m hoping to start posting food photos and finally pictures of Bella, our BichonPoo.

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I love hearing about the progress and updates! Can’t wait to see more pics 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..Past Happy Mail, Local Eats with Vegan Options, Paco Update


I hear ya! It’s been a CRAZY BUSY few months!
Jennifer recently posted..I Think I Have A Problem…


I saw the other pics you posted. That’s a great improvement. Your skin looks more even now and the pigmentation is less.
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