I remember seeing a similar ride about fifteen years ago at Hershey Park and while I wanted to get on the ride… the person I was with had no desire to so, although he did say the reason why was because the line was “too long.” Yeah right…
At that time, having been skydiving several times from 14,000 feet in the air, something like this would be easy.
OMG! And at the end he says “Let’s Do It Again!” LOL
Jennifer recently posted..World Wildlife Day!
@Jennifer, I know, right?
Aynaria recently posted..The American Parasite
Oh dear!!! No, thank you…so scary. Tried once long ago at Disneyland Tokyo – had my eyes closed throughout. *faints*
suituapui recently posted..Without her…
@suituapui, Your comment made me think of a video I saw on the same day as I saw this one. The father was joining his daughter for a roller coaster ride. As soon as he boarded it was clear the only reason he was there was because of her. The poor man, he got sick towards the end of the ride. I really hope his daughter did not subject him to another ride like that.
Aynaria recently posted..Furbaby adventures: Bunny bonding; friends at last…