So… it’s been busy

Wow, where has the time gone? It seems like January just flew on by. There is so much that has been happening.

Chi pet

Let’s see… it looks like we’ll be welcoming another furbaby into our home. A dog! We should have the dog within the next week or so. It’s a dog that wasn’t wanted. If I had my pick, I would have chosen a Siberian husky.

Of course, I’ve been spending lots of time with my daughter and then there’ s a friend that has been going though a lot lately. I’ve known them since junior year in high school. They’re hurting I’m making myself available. Between bonding, work and just being there for someone in pain, it does not leave time for much else. My plate and cup are running over. 😉 Even though I haven’t been posting too much on here and my hand crafted site, I have been taking plenty of pictures. I just need to find to upload and post.

As if I didn’t have enough websites, I started another that focuses solely on natural healing. That site, won’t be updated a lot, and I will most likely post under a pseudonym.  That’s nothing new, since I already do that with a few places where I’m paid to write;  online and print publications.

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Yes, I could guess you’ve been busy – hardly see you over in my blog. But no matter, we keep in touch on Facebook. Gosh! It’s February already, so fast. Chinese New Year is coming. Hope the year has been good for you, your girl and all your loved ones. Cheers!
suituapui recently posted..Lucky star…


Hey there! Sorry I was GONE for so long! I have a lot of catching up to do! LOL – A DOG…awesome! Can’t wait to see pics! And another site, too! Woot! Can’t wait! Exciting!!!!!
Jennifer recently posted..Hiatus OVER! Vegan Options at Mad Mex & Trip Planning!


Looking forward to it!
Jennifer recently posted..Raw, Random, & Recipes


[…] Here’s hoping I get a chance to post more very soon. I have a ton of pictures to upload; food related and Bella, our new puppy. […]