Soccer win and reflection


This past Saturday my daughter’s second grade soccer team had a game. It is the fourth game they’ve had; it is the first game her team has won the score was  4-0. Even with the recent losses my daughter’s team had a blast, which is great.

As I told her two Saturday’s ago, win or lose I do not care, just do the best you can and that is good enough for me, remember that. Now I know my daughter was not doing her best at previous games. She was nervous, facing strange kids  were a new experience. She was not as bold as she usually is around her teammates or when we played soccer. I was OK with that. She would get over her fear or realize that she did not want to play soccer. This past Saturday she came out of her shell, and played as if she were playing against her teammates. She made use of her talents, speed (she’s faster than anyone out there) and her ability to manage the ball effectively. When the opposing team came towards her, she did not dance away from them (like she did in the past) she met them head-on, and in many cases took the ball from them.

Sitting on the sidelines, is a brand-new experience for myself. I can imagine how my father must have felt at the games. My brother and I dragged him too. My brother and I were athletic, very competitive, and fairly adept at the sports we played.  We only became skilled at those games because we practiced, a lot. Dad was out there with us, and he encouraged us to do our best. My father is competitive; however, he never made my brother or I feel ashamed about our abilities, he did encourage us and at times gently challenge us to make use of our talents, and not be happy with just getting by. The  encouragement we received from both of my parents had always made me want to do my best, even at times when I felt overwhelmed and just wanted to learn enough to get by. Thinking back to the first role models I had, I just could not do that.

Initially, I was a lot like my daughter, but with the urging of my father, brother, and my friends, well I became skilled at the games I played. I can remember being outside, after our homework was done playing basketball until it was too dark to see.  We had friendly competitions in sports and grades too. We pushed each other to do better. A few years later, my father installed a light outside, so we could play after dark. I remember one year both of us coming home with most valuable player awards in sports. We received recognition in academics too, honor roll each semester. It wasn’t just about sports with us. 😉

There’s nothing wrong with being competitive, as long as you do not make others feel inferior if their talents do not happen to be the same as yours. We are all different things that come easily for one person, might not be easy for others. I think we all have things that we’re naturally talented at, some time it takes a while to figure out what that is. I still apply a lot of the lessons I’ve learned from youth to some of the challenges I face now, some times I do need to regroup, just like sports sometimes I need to become better before I tackle a project.



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Great attitude you were taught and now you are handing on to your daughter. I was brought up in a household where we were encouraged to do our best and whatever that was it was okay with my parents. I excelled in English and History. My brother in Science and Maths.
I loved participating in sport and was in all the school teams whereas my brother wasn’t bothered. He has tried to bring up his two children with the values he learned from our parents.
Really enjoyed your post and learning a bit more about you and your family.
Patricia Perth Australia
BTW did you see my questions for you on your comments over at my blog?
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Felicia @ No Deposit Poker

Congratulations on your daughter’s first win! Being a shy and nervous girl myself when I was in grade school, I sort of have an idea on what your daughter is going through. However, after joining sports and other social activities, I finally grew out of my shyness with strangers – just don’t forget to be always cautious around strangers, of course 🙂
Felicia @ No Deposit Poker recently posted..WSOPE London – Main Event- Phil Ivey and Isildur1 through to Day 4


I would love to see at least, ONE, picture. 🙂

I’m so proud of her, I wish I had done something like that when I was a child … I could use those foundational development tools right about now.
Kissie recently posted..Why Am I Offended

Megan is a secret Santa

Opal, I firmly believe that you could do anything. I am glad your parents gifted you the sensibilities around natural competition and that you also are passing it to your angel.

I wanted to let you know that I have finally got around to installing the CommentLuv plugin. If not for your posts, I may never have quite understood the usefullness of the tag on the plugin. Thank you, Opal <3

Your secret Santa keeps asking me for some further info around you. Any possibility of answering those few questions and sending them back so I can give to the secret Santa? If you can't find the list, that's okay, I can resend.
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Angie Papple Johnston

Opal, what a wonderful attitude – and how lucky your daughter is that you’re passing it on to her. 🙂

I particularly loved that you said, “There’s nothing wrong with being competitive, as long as you do not make others feel inferior…” Well-said. And you can be competitive while helping others learn your own talents, too – it makes the competition that much more fun later.

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Megan is a secret Santa

Today is your birthday. Happy birthday to you, wonderful woman. Mxxxx
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Julie is a secret Santa too

Happy Birthday Opal,
Here’s to a beautiful and wonderful day coming your way on this gorgeous occassion.

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Char (PSI Tutor:Mentor)

Congrats to your daughter for her new direction in a sport she enjoys. I agree it is not competition that is unhealthy; it is the social values we attach to it.

Happy birthday btw!!! Shine on~


Much congratulations to your daughter, it;s nice to see kids taking an interest in sports! Soccer happens to be my favorite sport as well!
Levi recently posted..Draw My Thing


Hey Opal I hope you had a beautiful birthday! It sounds like you’re getting back in to the bloogersperic community and bringing loads of tips and luv with you 🙂 I’m looking forward to reading more of your great tips and getting to know you. warm regards

Lisa@link building packages

That’s a good spirit of sportsmanship. Congratulations to your daughter’s team especially to you daughter.
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Wayne Howard

We were just talking about being competitive the other night 🙂 Yes, there isn’t anything wrong with being competitive but some people just take it too far. They try to do everything to get the upper hand on their opponents. This isn’t just sports I am talking about either.

But I am glad your daughter get into her groove. I wish her much success in the future.
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