This past weekend, I made this simple dish.
My family loved it, and there wasn’t enough left over for meal prep. That’s fine, next time, I’ll make much more.
This past weekend, I received The Indian Cooking Course, I haven’t had a chance to clip through it completely; however, I’m intrigued by the pictures and the writings of Monisha Bharadwaj, so I’ll know that I’m going to enjoy this book immensely.
Today, I plan to prepare Aloo Gobi. Simple but delicious.
In other news
My mother’s cancer has stopped progressing, and one of the tumors has diminished in size. I see her almost daily and have been using lymphatic drainage massage, and various essential oils that help reduce tumors, and now I’m supplying her nutrition by blending her meals at home, and bringing them in for her to eat. Her doctors told us she would never eat again, and that there was nothing they could do to stop her cancer from progressing. In addition, the food service was giving her the wrong type of food. Lots of sugary/processed food does nothing to fight the illness, instead, it makes the situation worse since sugar feeds cancer. the hospital. Here in Maryland, they are still limiting the number of visitors (two) that a patient can have daily, and you can not visit at the same time. I find that pointless, especially when at times patients can have more than two of the hospital staff within the room at the same time. However, that’s a rant for another day. We’re continuing to pray without ceasing and count our blessings.
I love Indian cuisine…and yes, aloo gobi is very nice.
I do too. Haitian is right up there for me. In some ways, I find some of the dishes to be similar. I made another Indian-inspired dish this morning. I’m sure what I call it; however, it was delicious. Also, I was able to use my flat stone mortar and pestle (ammikallu). I’ll have to write about that soon. I’ve been wanting one for a few years, and finally located a few sources here in the USA that sell them. The one I purchased is from India.