For my few readers out there /waves you can see I’ve swapped themes again.
I’m simply not happy with the limited WP themes I have hosting my blog under WordPress so I know it’s only a matter of time before Not your Ordinary Momma moves to a hosted provider. I’ve used Lunar Pages for over eight years. I’m sure that’s where I’ll eventually move this site.
A little about my Vegetarian ways…
I swapped to Vegetarianism in 1992, moved onto Veganism not too soon afterwards. The transition wasn’t ‘hard’ for myself. I’d always been raised around a lot of vegetables (I’m fortunate, I know) and meat was mainly a side dish. With my family, animal products didn’t take over our entire meal. Strange I know since my parents raised chickens, turkeys, goats, etc., It just wasn’t done that way. In most cases, animal products were treated as a side dish. You know what? There were quite a few meals where animals didn’t even make an appearance. Ok, I take that back they did, but only to wind their flexible bodies around our feet at mealtime, meowing for a little treat or to place a well placed kick on our ankle (our rabbit.)
I learned to cook at an early age (four.) My mother saw my interest in cooking, and actually encouraged it. Naturally the meals I prepared at that age was limited, and heavily supervised but that began my love affair with cooking (or uncooking.) 🙂
About three years ago, I swapped to a raw food lifestyle. My eating intake has always been high raw. Although I don’t get into % when it comes to things such as that I’ll do so now, to give you an idea. On average, I was eating about 80% raw foods. I’d been eating that way for years, and although I had a high amount of energy (I think that is due in part to the way I eat — whole foods) I did notice even more of an improvement when I went 100% raw. I stayed 100% raw, for over a year. These days I’m upping my intake of raw foods again, so moving past my 80% raw intake.
Remember when I talked about my green cravings? Odd since I already eat a high amount of greens but I didn’t really question it, I just upped my intake. If we listen, our bodies can tell us what we need. Anyway my increase in raw foods happened about the same time as those cravings. These days, I’m up to around 98%.
Similar to when I went to 100% raw foods, the results are the same. I’m having more energy than I already have (which is great because my activities have increased recently) and I feel even better. Initially, when I went to raw, I found that shocking. Wait, you mean I can actually feel better than I normally do? I’ve always felt great, Menstruation was never something I had to worry about after swapping to vegetarianism.
My diet was whole foods (close to the source as possible) and ‘unnatural sugars’ and junk food’ just didn’t fit my lifestyle. I knew the impact of putting unhealthy foods into my body. I’ll try to get into a habit of posting more recipes on this site related to cooking and just simple environmentally friendly household, gardening, and skin care products you can use. I make and use them at home.
Over the past few weeks I’ve been following the Waist Whittling Wordsmith. The Wordsmith, is documenting her weight loss and has been incorporating healthier meals into her daily routine. I’m always inspired when I encounter people who are working to make improvements in their lives. Along with reading her blog in my RSS feed, I’ve tweeted with @WaistWhittler. Watching her progress, is serving as a positive reinforcement for myself, to keep working on the goals that I’m trying to achieve. If you get a chance, stop by and visit the Waist Whittling Wordmsith’s virtual home. She’s also thinking about switching to vegetarianism so if you’re veg pop by and give her some tips.
Regarding those goals…
Recently, I’ve been wanting to do more when it comes to helping others. It’s something I’ve always done (and it’s something I enjoy) but over the past few years I’ve eased up. Sure I still volunteer at homeless shelters and animal shelters too, but it’s not as it used to be, and so I’m changing that.
One of the first things that were cut was video games. I love games and although I never spent hours playing a game, I felt I needed a break and I took one. Guess what? I don’t miss it at all. Sure I’ll go back to playing computer and console games at some point but at the moment there are more important aspects in my life.
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Raw food
Hi wow you are really an encouraging person the way you eat! I bet you dont have an ounce of fat on you! I should eat the way you do or try. I always feel I need some meat or I get hungry. Maybe beans will stop that. You have that bead book? Wow how awesome is that! Jenny said you used to make jewellery I bet it was inice. Are you still making it? Theres such a zillion people making it now. Ive wanted to do lampwork forever my prayers have been answered to what looked impossible was not!
Hey Janet,
Oh I do have fat, not too much though but having a certain amount of fat is good for you. Going 100% raw was an exciting experience for myself, since it gave me a chance to prepare gourmet raw foods. That was so much fun. I don’t make that type of food a lot though, but it’s a nice change now and again.
Re: Meat
I hear that a lot, in some cases I think we have been programmed to think that way, other times our bodies are lacking other nutrients and we keep eating to fill that ‘hunger’. You don’t have to go vegetarian to be healthy, you do have to make healthy choices about what you eat though. Vegetarians, Vegans, Raw foodists, etc., can be unhealthy too if they make poor food choices.
Re: Jewelry
I think I started making jewelry in the mid ’90’s. When I’m interested in something I tend to read up as much about the topic as possible, which usually means I purchase a lot of books on the subject. I stopped jewelry making when my daughter was born. I was paranoid about her getting into the small pieces and popping them into her mouth, sort of the reason I stopped sewing too. As she got older I did start getting back into it again, but not like before. I really miss it. However, when I go on vacation towards the end of the month I’ll be devoting a lot of time to jewelry making. I cannot wait! Oh by the way, your designs truly are inspirational and made me realize how much I did miss jewelry making.
[…] June 17, 2010 nyomomma Leave a comment Go to comments In an earlier post, I mentioned how I went 100% raw for a little over a year. During that time, I purchased a food dehydrator and started experimenting with raw treats. Being […]
[…] an earlier post, I mentioned how I went 100% raw for a little over a year. During that time, I purchased a food dehydrator and started experimenting with raw treats. Being […]