Knitting: Lacy Fern Afghan Update; left side panel almost complete

We’ve all those days/weeks/months….

You’re so busy that it can be hard making time for yourself. The past few weeks have been like that for me, but somehow I still managed to squeeze a few minutes to work on some craft. That usually occurred a few minutes before my bedtime. And even though I haven’t had too much time for crafting during those few moments I’m able to get the creative juices flowing, and set aside time for myself.


Here’s the left side panel of my Lacy Fern Afghan.


Recently my creative time has been focused on knitting this Lacy Fern Afghan. I’m almost completed the left side panel. I still have the center panel, and the right side panel to complete. Because of my schedule, some days I only manage to do one repeat, or even a few small rows… but I cannot complain, I’m able to do many things I enjoy — even if (sometimes) it’s only in small doses. The left side panel of this afghan works like this; one repeat = 12 rows;  each row has 36 stitches. That adds up to a lot of stitches.There are 17 repeats that make up the left side panel.  I’m just starting repeat 14.


This is another shot of the left side panel. I really love the simple lacy design of the Lacy Fern Afghan. Although it’s a large project, it knits up quickly.


This afghan measures  45″ (114.3 cm)  so I’m almost completed the left side panel of my  Lacy Fern Afghan. If I’m not thrilled with the length at 17 repeats, I’ll go up to 20 repeats.

Since my skin is sensitive to most animal fibers I’m making this afghan with cotton yarn. The yarn is incredibly soft, and I’m looking forward to snuggling in this afghan during the cooler months.

The Lacy Fern Afghan can be downloaded for free. Depending on where you look, you might see it called another name; Hawaiian Lacy Fern Throw. The only error seems to be with the center panel, so be sure to check out the errata page for the Lacy Fern Afghan aka Hawaiian Lacy Fern Throw.