Moving forward; coming out of hibernation

Cartoon bear hibernation

This site Celebrate Life, has been in hibernation since it was created a little over two years ago.

Although I posted here, and commented at a few places I wasn’t as active as I’d been with my other personal site.

I believe part of the reason, is finding the time to post. My workload and volunteer activities have increased, and so that didn’t give me a lot of time to do any personal blogging. Family isn’t included in the above equation, because nothing trumps my family.

Sure, I could have let this domain expire, but I knew I didn’t want to do that. I like the name I chose, since it accurately describes my view of life… every day is a blessing.

A few months ago, I started thinking of ways that I could promote the site, although I couldn’t do too much about it, I was able to write my down my thoughts, and slowly gather sites in my NetNewsWire feedreader, that I wanted to visit.

Blog Promotion

This past weekend I started putting those ideas into action. Naturally I’m thrilled that I’ve come out of hibernation with my personal site. It’s only taken two years…

So yes, I’ve started promoting my personal site, just as I used to do with my old one. The thing is, I didn’t see it that way, and to be honest I still don’t.

The type of ‘blog promotion’ I was doing was simply being a ‘good virtual neighbor’. You know… stopping by virtual homes to say hello, joining online communities to further increase my interaction with others.

It was an added bonus, if someone liked a comment I’d left and either stopped by my virtual home, commented, mentioned my site in a post, or added Celebrate Life’s RSS feed to their RSS feed reader. Naturally, it wasn’t the reason I visited others; but those types of things did happen. I’d met people like myself, and that was amazing. Back then, that site had a high page rank, long before I knew what Page Rank was…

Thankyou cartoon

Thank you, readers of Celebrate Life

Granted, it’s still too early for big results, but here at Celebrate Life, I’ve already seen a surge in traffic, and additionally an increase in subscribers that use a RSS feed reader.

So thanks readers (old and new) it’s appreciated.

Photo Source: Gog’s Workshop

Not your ordinary Momma

Hello, how yah doing?

Earlier this morning I decided to create this website. I claimed my virtual spot on the WordPress community and a few seconds later Celebrate Life was born.

Based on the title, it’s obvious I’m a mom. If you want to get specific…I’m a single mom to a wonderful seven year old girl. Oh by the way, little momma just turned seven a few days ago and is quite proud of that accomplishment.

I’m not new to blogging or the intranet. I’ve been active within the interet scene since the early-mid 90’s. I’ve have/had numerous blogs/websites over the years too. A few years ago I let several of my websites die. The real world got extremely busy and I didn’t have time to devote to the type of writing I had been doing to keep those websites maintained and so I let my web hosting run out.

Naturally that didn’t stop me from writing, and you could find me writing about gaming (one of my not so guilty pleasures) a few months later, and there I wrote well over a year. Recently I’ve been thinking about bringing back my other blogs/websites (although under different names) and see what happens.

What can you expect to see at Celebrate Life!?
Basically whatever I’m interested in. What is Celebrate Life! interested in. Well the list is long, but I’ll list a few things…

  • Family
  • Fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Veganism
  • Apple (yeah I have a few Mac computers)
  • Volunteering

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you soon. I still have some organizing to do before it feels like my virtual home. 😉