Celebrate Life: Site updates; Dofollow, CommentLuv, & KeywordLuv installed

Do follow badge redheart

Celebrate Life, like many of my sites have been do follow since they were created. A simple way to know which sites are dofollow is by installing and addon. To make the process a bit easier, for those hunting for dofollow blogs, I’ve added a badge to my right-hand sidebar. Clicking the icon links to the post I wrote about dofollow

Comment Luv


CommentLuv is another wordpress plugin that’s been on all my sites since they were created. To increase the awareness, I also added a CommentLuv badge; CommentLuv enabled blogs allow users to link back to one of their posts when they leave a comment.

Here at Celebrate Life, you have the option of linking to one of your last ten posts. It’s an excellent plugin; my only wish is that more bloggers would use it on their sites. It doesn’t stop me from commenting on those who don’t use it, I feel CommentLuv is another way to reward your readers, and if they linked posts has an interesting title — perhaps encourage others that visit your site to stop by theirs site also — pure win!

Keyword comic

Keyword Luv

Earlier today, I installed keyword luv on Celebrate Life. I’ve been using this plugin since it was released in 2008, Stephen Cronin is the creator of the keywordluv WordPress Plugin. When it was released, I used it on several of my old sites. I’m not thrilled with people simply using keywords on my sites. Personal identity goes a long way in social networking, because of that, I normally won’t approve a comment that’s just keywords.

What’s great about Keyword Luv? It allows a person to leave their name and keyword; the only thing that will be linked is the keyword. Keyword Luv makes this possible by linking anything you add after the @ sign.

If I left a comment and signed my name as…

Opal @ Healthy Eating

The only words that would be linked are Healthy Eating.

Using appropriate keywords, is something I practiced even before I knew what ‘keywords’ were. In my mind, It looked more attractive when I used an accurate description when linking to a post or page.

Fast forward a few years later, and I learned the way I had been linking was the ‘correct way’… well if you want to try to bring more traffic to your site via search engines.

Will Keyword Luv increase website spam?

One of the arguments I’ve seen against Keyword Luv, and other WordPress addons that rewards its readers, is that you’ll receive in increase in spam. While this is true…  a knowledgeable website owner will have anti-spam plugins installed so this is a non issue. How much spam have you seen on this site? None, my anti-spam plug ins does a great job of blocking spam. Although Celebrate Life is small, I do receive a lot of spam because of what’s available here; Dofollow, CommentLuv, and now KeywordLuv.

Moving forward…

I don’t write too much about technology, but I’ll try to inject some of it here on Celebrate Life (now and again). There will be a few more changes to Celebrate Life, in the upcoming weeks, one of those changes will be a new WordPress theme.

I’d love to write more about keywords, but I’ll have to wrap up this post.

My daughter’s will awaken soon, and I really need to prepare breakfast; strawberry pancakes, hyperborean, and pineapple, blueberry, peach smoothie (we love delicious and healthy smoothies) is on the menu, and yes it’s all made from scratch.

For those itching to use keywords, by all means do so… just remember to include a name, and the keywords desired after the @ symbol.

Of course… the comment can’t be spam.  😉 There are sites that don’t monitor their comments. And it’s apparent, by the amount of spam that some of those sites receive. Well guess what, Celebrate Life isn’t one of them, I read all comments. As I posted before, spam never gets published — and on the off chance that it bypasses those filters, I will delete spam comments.